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bluegill and crappie?
[Smile]hi, does anyone know of bluegill or crappie being caught this winter? I've been to Twinlakes two in the last two weeks and once to Glendell .We have caught rainbows in both lakes but no I ask has anyone? [fishin]
i have talked to a couple guys that have caught some... crappie at glendale but they have said you cant get it past the trout to fish them with any consistance
I talked to a fellow a few weeks ago on the ice at Glendale res. He and a friend of his frequents Glendale and they ice fish for bluegill way up on the upper end of the reservoir in the shallows for bluegills, in the weedbeds I suppose.
Its tough finding crappie through the ice at Glendale or Twin Lakes. You kind of have to luck into them or know where to fish along a weedline under water. Crappie love cover so you have to know where its at.

This winter has been slow at Twin for perch and bluegill and even slower for crappie. However, the past two years my son and I slaughtered the perch at Twin Lakes. We were fishing off the face of the dam about midway and about 50 to 60 yards out. The water was about 21 to 23 feet deep. We were catching the perch and bluegills right on bottom using a smoke colored rubber jig in 1/64 ounce weight. Also a small feathered jig with red and yellow feathers and a white sinker head and tipped with a wax worm worked great too.

Later I rigged up a double rig with the jig mentioned above as the dropper and about a food up I put a # 14 or #16 size medium brown fuzzy feathered fly on. The bluegills always took the small brown fly and the jig the perch liked. This year we hit twin about a month ago on a clear sunny day and fishing was slooooowww. Only saw three fish on the ice amongst five fishing parties.


I ice fish not because I like the cold, but because it is the only time I can impress my wife, by walking on water. [Wink]
HI,DeeCee thanks for info,two friends and i are planning on going down to Glendale tuesday for afew hours in the morning.We're hoping to find bluegil or crappie.I live in Shelley ,so the drive is alittle long.well thanks again.
I have some friends that went there last Tuesday looking for crappie . There were several people fishing it and no one is catching anything but trout . A lot of trout , they said you can limit out in about 45 minutes . Curt G.
Hey texan64, if you're coming all the way from Shelley and crappie is what you want, you should jump across the border and go to Newton. The crappie fishing there has been great. Most are about 7 to 8 inchers but you'll also get some bigger ones, and throw in a bunch of nice perch. Newton is only 15 minutes further than Glendale. I've been catching them in about 25 to 30 feet, northwest of the parking lot. If you need directions PM me.
How does the licensing work? Does Utah honor ID fishing licenses? Back east FL, GA, and AL all honored each others license. Is this the case between ID and UT?
We do not have a reciprical agreement. You have to buy a Utah license to fish Utah.

Newton is about a half hour away from glendale and its not worth the drive trust me I have been hitting it in the past few weeks and its not what it has been. perch are slowing down crappie your lucky to find them and the musky good luck.
That's sure strange, everyone I talk to but you has cleaned up on pan fish at Newton, and those crappie steelienut caught was very tasty. Lets split the difference, it's 22.5 min. from Preston. You can buy a three day license for like $15.
I sure wish Idaho, Utah and Wyoming had a reciprocal fishing license! I live half the year in Utah and half in Idaho so I usually fork out the $82 for an out of state license, but I'm sure the high price tag discourages many that live even right across the border from getting an out of state license. I bet they would sell a lot more if they cost around $50 which is still twice as much as a resident license. I mean, sure Idaho fishing is great, but Utah has enough good fishing in it to keep most anglers content.
I think I will give it a shot. I love to try new places.

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