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My wife keeps bugging me to take her to PaliSades ice fishing but I hate going there. The fish are sooo slow to bite. Any suggestions or recent trips there lately?[Image: sleeping.gif]
hey Cutbow,
Im staying with my inlaws in Star Valley. I'm planning on heading up to paliSades in the morning. I've never fished it. I try to do most my fishing on the Gorge. I brought my car up here to save on gas. Where can I park and still access the lake and not get stuck? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Its discouraging to hear that the bite there is usually slow. I hope if I do get a few they will have some size to them. Good luck to you. Fishjon
My suggestion would be the Big Elk area. They plow out this area and your car shouldn't get stuck. Its a little climb down to the lake. Fish with worm-corn, red or green rubber jigs tipped with meal worm. This seems to work sometimes. If you do get into fish CUTS and BROWNS they run around 2 to 3lbs, fish about 15 to 26ft of water seems to be where they hang. Good Luck and Fishjon[fishin]cutbow
if your looking for some river fishing down below the damn is good, i have never fished it during the winter but i would think you could get some late spawning browns or atleaste some that are lingering

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