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Sportsman's Warehouse????
From the grape vine....

The big dill or selling of Sportsman's did not go through as of the dead line on this past friday...Don't know if a new dead line was set up but none that I have heard of....
i hadnt heard anything about this who was buying it, was it going to stay sportsmans or change name?
I read this the other day :

In a November 20 letter to employees and vendors obtained by NewWest.Net, Sportsman’s Warehouse Chairman and CEO Stu Utgaard called the transaction an “investment” and “cash Infusion” that will “allow us to improve the flow of merchandise to the stores.” But sources in Sportsman’s Warehouse tell me they consider it an acquisition.
Utgaard’s letter is in response to recent failure of the company to keep adequate inventory on the shelves because of being on credit hold or at least watched carefully by vendors not wanting to increase their exposure when already faced with late payments for past deliveries.
“This cash infusion should support the continued growth and development of the company in the future,” Utgaard wrote, but at the same time, he said goodbye to his 5,500 employees. “I will no longer serve as Chairman and CEO, and may not have any executive authority unless they (UFA executives) discover that I have some redeeming qualities in the future.”
Calls to Utgaard and UFA’s Corporate Affairs office for comment on the sale have not been returned.
UPDATE, 11-26-08: I received this press release today and a note from UFA spokesperson Natalie Dawes who confirmed that “UFA Co-operative Limited is poised to acquire US-based outdoor retailer Sportsman’s Warehouse, which is an important step in UFA’s diversification and growth strategy.”
But it did not go through.....The dead line was last FRIDAY and no one signed...
I work at the riverdale location, and from what I have been told the new deadline to sign has been set for tomorrow.
Thats good to hear, do you know why they did not sign on friday????
No they don't really release that kind of info to us.
If you hear first let us know if they sign....
As far as i know they have still not signed. From what i have been told there is one bank holding out and it could end up taking months to go through.
I have heard that if they don't sign by a date that Sportsman much give up 30 stores in the northwest to the company trying to buy them, for what it has cost then so far....I hope it all works out...
Right now nobody really knows whats going on. I have heard rumors that we might be cut down to 30 stores total and use the other stores product to fill shelves and save money but most of the utah stores have been in the top 6-7 in the nation month in and month out so if this actually does happen "not sure that it even will" utah stores shouldnt be affected. Again all of this is just rumore and im not sure what is and isn't true. I guess only time will tell.[unimpressed]
Don't listen to the "store" employee rumors flying around they have about a 2% understanding of what is really going on. If you want some legit info bassrods shoot me a pm as I am not sure how much info i can release on this forum
Man that's kind of scary if the Utah stores have been in the top 6 or 7, with them never having much in and anything you try to order you can't get, I'd hate to see what the rest of the store's shelves look like. I will admitt they did start picking up and stocking more items before the Christmas season at the Riverdale store. I hope they can get their problems solved as I prefer to use them over running to Cabela's.
If you can send me a PM with what you can...
sorry store employee's dont know anything. he's right some people just know everything.
Funny stuff. I happen to run one of them. 9 billion rumors and fish stories. Spoon dog send me a pm. Which location are you out of?
Dont get me wrong, I love Sportsmans Warehouse, but why is it such a big deal? Why the urgent need to know what is going on? Why is this thread even on the "Fishing Forum" and not on the "Off Topic Forum"? Just curious!!!
How many people get there fishing stuff from them????
And the more places we have to shop at the cheaper and more we have...

Just think what you would have to look at if all there was is Wall-Mart or K-Mart...
This is a huge deal, they employ almost 3000 people and are HQ'd in Midvale. I don' t know anything about this but do know we don't want to have this sale fail if the repercussions are negative which they would almost have to be. We need to support UT businesses whenever possible.

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