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on board battery charger question
Ii have a on board duel bank battery charger and I was wondering if it will charger a set of 2 batteries hook up in series from just one of the out puts. and one more question, my boat motor has a built in charger, can I hook the on board charger to this battery also, with out doing damage to my motor or on board charger ??
thanks chuck
Chuck, best bet is to contact the maker. Its better than burning things up.

I definitely would NOT connect two batteries to one bank!! This will probably not have enough resistance for the charger and you could possibly burn it up (the charger) and cause a fire. Connect the charger the way it is designed and you will be fine do not connect it in any way other than what is stated by the manufacturer, it is not worth burning your boat to the ground. John R
NO a two bank charger is for two batteries not four I have a four bank type and a 36 volt + main battery = four...

You can get two, two banks and that will work...
hey tomegun thanks for recomending the dealer, I didn't even think of that. minnkota has a frequent asked question section and that is one of the question. they say it will work just fine, but don't recomend doing it because the charger could over heat if it's mounted in a spot with no or little air flow. later chuck

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