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your best catch???
A while ago, there was a post where people shared their favorite fishing location... I thought it would be cool to have something similiar. What and where is your best catch up to date??? This has probably been done before but I am new to this site. I am very interested in what people target in what waters and what their best achievement is up to date....

Mine is a 43 lb. King from the Kenai River...

I also have been fishing Strawberry more lately, targeting a 10 lb trout... Thats next on my list.
Caught a 23 inch cutt last sunday that was decent.
Probably my most exciting catch was this 24 1/2" Rainbow from Strawberry that weighed 7 pounds! It was an absolute football and was really the first big trout I had ever caught! I caught him in 9 ft of water. We were going nuts dancing around the ice looking like idiots! The funny part is how mad my buddy was! He actually cut that hole but then said awe thats too shallow! Later in the day I decided to give it a try! First drop down, bam a 7 pounder lol! He still trys to claim that the fish is half his cause he saysI would have never drilled a hole so close to shore lol!
[inline Rainbow.JPG]
Yellow Fin Tuna 255 lbs
Yellowtail 75 lbs
White Sea Bass 70 lbs
Wahoo 90 lbs

Channel Cat Blue 75 lbs
Striped Bass 45 lbs
Smallmouth 6 lbs
I would have to go with my first tiger. Maybe not my best catch but probably my favorite.
My best catch ever, thats tuff. I would have to say a 7# brown off the maddison. It was my first big one on a fly rod. I was 10. I caught it while fishing with my grandpa. I've caught a few that big since. But nothing beats sharing that moment with one of my heros. Or catching it on a river that means as much to me as the Madison does. Runners up would include a 11# utah lake walley and a 52# King off the talketna(don't know how to spell that) river.
I've caught really decent fish at the Gorge, had great times catching the footballs at Henry's, have caught loads of decent Silvers in Glacier Bay, several great Kings on the Kenai, but my favorite "catch" was just off the ladders in my kick boat pontoon. I was trolling with an electric around several boats when I hooked into a 9 lb Rainbow.

That was probably as exciting as as the Kings. It pulled me all aroung the other boats until I finaly netted him in front of a cheering crowd. [:p]
They don't always have to be the biggest to be the most fun.

That was fun!
mine was a 15 pound cat out of utah lake. I caught it on a 4 foot ugly stick but you already know that ctizz!
I'd have to say the tiger musky I caught last spring would be my top catch.. I didn't get any measurements because I was in my tube and thought it would be a bad idea for both of us if I tried. They were all roughly the same size, so I guess the first would be my number one. Numbers wise, I'd have to say brookies on Boulder Mt. I think I got around 240 and I got bored and quit fishing.
As i read all the posts above i had to sit back and think what my best catch was. I have had some big fish but i dont think i have ever had that one that made me think wow, what i have had is experiences, like the first pole that my grandpa ever gave me, or my first steelhead trip or rigging my cousins wheelchair with life jackets so he could fish side by side with us as we waited out the inlet in redfish lake. This post realy made me think its not always about the fish you catch sometimes its bigger than that, the fish are just the explination point on the memory.

Great idea for a post thanks
I have more then one fish...

1. Small mouth bass 23.5"

2. Small mouth bass 8 lb 4oz 24 1/4"

3. lake trout 44 lb 6oz

4. Cut 30 1/4"

5.Rainbow 26 1/2"

6 Walleye 30 3/4"

7. Striper 29.5 lb

8. Tiger Muske 46 3/8"

9. Carp 39 lb

10. King S. 54.3 LB

11. Crappie 15 1/2"

12. Halabut 121 lb

13. Golden Eye 21 lb

14. Ling cod 36 lb
by big rainbow last year, caught out of a river on the smallest panther martin i had with me a #4. should be back from the taxidermist soon. [Smile]
Keep them coming, I am really enjoying hearing about these expiriences. It helps the day go by faster which gets me one step closer to that next fishing trip
My biggest fish is a coho salmon 12 lb, on the Snohomish River in Washington. But my favorite fish were greyling caught on the 40 Mile River in Alaska. We were weathered in waiting for the plane to pick us up. Our food supplies were running low, so greyling and stove top stuffing was our meal for the day. Best damn fish I have ever eaten, but at that point anything was good eatin. [angelic]
Got a really nice 8 lb plus rainbow with a 19 inch girth (real fatty) 27" long at a little pond in Sanpete Co. is being mounted at the moment.
bassrods without a pic its just another fish story lol j/k [Wink]
Now thats a nice fish.Way to go!!!!!!!!! Were was that caught?............................................My wife was my best catch!!!!!!! When I caught her she was about 110 lbs.[Smile]

Rapalas R rated G for everyone.[fishin]
Well sense you haven't been on this site that long I guess you missed out...I forgot to list the one that I am holding...

Its a 11 lb 9 oz large mouth
Mine was a 36", 20 lb striped bass caught in the Delaware River between NY and PA, about 150 miles upstream from the ocean. I was fishing for smallmouths out of a rented paddle raft. I had a 5' ultra light rod, 4lb stren, and was throwing a black and silver #7 husky jerk. I was with my wife, my sister and her husband and we were all pretty drunk. I hooked into this monster which nearly spooled me, I was pleading with 3 drunken paddlers to row the raft upstream. Naturaly, they are falling down, dropping paddles, laughing their butts off. I finaly got the fish in the boat ! We still talk about that day everytime we see each other. I didn't realize there were stripers that far up but I found out that some 40lbers have been caught.
Those are all very impressive fish, my most memorable fish caught was a 21" brooky in a mountain pond about the size of half a football field called Monticello Lake in San Juan county. Beautiful fish brookies are i love 'em. I didn't even know that that lake had brooks and it turned out they hadn't been planted for quite some time before that one. I have a pic somewhere I'll post when i find it.
Okay i'll throw a couple of my favorites in the ring!
My First Halibut was awesome...only 69 lbs but way fun!

A 59 lb Kasilof River King comes close to the top.

And my first tiger muskie this year at 36" through the ice was another... probably the most exciting because it was such a surprise.

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