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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Hello friends, [/size][/font]

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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]My name is davetclown[/size][/font]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]I am a fish-O-hallic [/size][/font]

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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]That is I have a need to be on the water with a pole in my hand at least 20 times a day,[/size][/font]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]It dose not matter what I am doing every thing seems to lead to fishing.[/size][/font]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]I am afraid that my need to fish has by far surpassed all my needs or wanting to go to work and labor for 20 hours a day. It has me constantly daydreaming of wading up and down countless streams, rowing small puddles called lakes, hopping aboard large schooners with multiple poles dangling aloft in many directions.[/size][/font]

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[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]My day starts off at breakfast and already I am feeling the need to feed the fish, I guess it is understandable when you consider you sit down to a seeing what my breakfast is consisting of, orange juice, my mind starts to wonder last night the sky was almost this color if you added some red to it, ok a whole lot of red to it, how did that old saying go, red sky at night – sailors take delight, red sky at dawn - a storm is coming on and you should fish from shore, my eggs seem to be scrambled, what a mess I made last year when I dropped my box in the boat, every thing was scrambled my lures and leaders all mixed together, it took me about an hour to get it all back in to the box and I never really did get it straightened up, 2 strips bacon, I just bought a new jar of red and white pork rinds for them bass, I cant wait to try them out in the park where I saw the old timer using them to pull in bas after bass, picking up my spoon, I wonder should I pick up that new dare devil I saw last week, I have two that are similar but this one seems to have just a little different color – well maybe not but just in case I should pick up 2, I would want to loose one and not have a couple to back it up, my coffee needs a little more sugar, how sweet it would be to be out on the stream right about now chasing them trout up and down the stream, [/font][/size]

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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Each day as I travel to and from work I am constantly lured astray to the attraction of the countless bait and tackle shops that are only a mere 15 - 50 miles out of my way. I have to know what is the latest plastic bug available on the market. I have to know right away will it work catching swimmers in my pond. And the need to know the subtle differences between the countless monofilaments and what is the right application for each line, ie… dose it belong on a bait caster, is it sensitive enough for them leery stream trout, is the line visible under water, for that matter what is the diameters of the line, will the line stay spooled on my reel, what type of memory will the new line possess, [/size][/font]

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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]At work as each hour passes by minute by minute, I find my self, wondering if the weather conditions are suitable for pulling in them lunker bass. Are the minnows schooled up around the dock this vary moment. Are the crickets chirping from underneath their rocks, are the dragonflies dancing above the water just off the reeds of cattails across the bay, is the neighbor boy digging worms to go cat fishing, is the sun shimmering of speckled sized waves or are the waves white capping and pounding against the side of the boats, or could it be there are no waves at all and the surface of the water is still as glass and the big old is hiding under that lily pad I just broke my line on last week when I saw him jump three feet out of the water and snatch that big black and yellow bumble be right out of the air,[/size][/font]

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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]At lunch I pull out a hotdog and I wonder what size circle hook I would need to use to make a crawler harness that would handle a worm this size, adding a stripe of mustard along the side of my wiener, I wonder if a striped plastic worm is better to use over one that is solid of spotted on the side, having a muffin on the side it reminded me of last month when I headed off to the river and forgot my license at home sitting it on my dresser next to my keys and wallet that were still sitting there in my rush to get out the door while I ate my muffin and realized that I did not have them with me and I would have to go home to get them just so I could pay the bill[/size][/font]

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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]And what about Charlie the catfish, the king of all catfish, is he still swimming in farmer John’s farm pond still, its only been 15 years since I last battled him for a fat sumptuous 10 inch juicy worm I had found the night before in the rain by the road side while colleting crawlers for my worm box, could it be that he grew another 10 inches and has he gained another 20 pounds, man he broke my vary first fishing rod the last time we battled, the one my dad bought me for just because, [/size][/font]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]A cotton wood seed blows in from somewhere and it gets me wondering if the cotton woods dropping their seeds like snow, are the seeds getting caught in other anglers nose and mouth this vary moment as it has me many years at this time, are the seeds clogging up on top of the canals baring the way for casting cleanly on top of them crappie beds, are the deep water roaches gathering on their beds, have they come and gone, will it be another week, are the perch swimming with the gills this year, what is the price of red worms this week, I seemed to have forgotten, last week I bought 3 dozen, will that be enough next time I go, I ran out last week, I wonder how may gills can I catch on one red worm, I think my highest score so far is 23, how many gills dose it take to make a successful fish fry, will I have enough for the tigers game this week, hey where did that come from, tigers, what do they have to do with fishing, Tigermuskies, I herd there were some in the lake on the other side of town, I wonder if that new Miror-a-lurea I purchased last night will do the trick on them musky, [/font][/size]

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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]A machine crashes and it reminds me of the boat I saw submerged under water in my youth and I sat there for hours wiggling my jig just over the hole, hoping I could draw some thing big out of the sunken craft, [/size][/font]

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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]As the shift bell whistles it time to fill out my labor ticket, and I sit back pondering on what I did all day, and fishing is the only thing that comes to mind yet my basket is full of finished product,[/size][/font]

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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]So I find my self, questioning, am I really a fish-O-hallic, or am I just suffering from a lack of fishing, [/size][/font]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][/size][/font] [size 4]So I you ask my fellow anglers, do you suffer from the same symptom? [/size]
[Wink][size 4]hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![laugh][laugh][/size]
[Smile] Im not that bad yet , but find myself at work getting a bad case of jigginitis , and taken off work early to fix it , boy its nice being the boss !!! lol

Flagmanonice ......
I wear polarized fishing glasses all day. While driving I am spotting new places to fish. Old places I've been. Breaking my neck to see if the guy on the side of the road fishing in the little stream of water that runs from one side of the road to the other is having any luck. Is there something in that little stream I don't know about? How would a fish even be able to survive in that stream that isn't even six inches deep. LOL
Mmmmm... Fish-O-Hallic????
i have been fishing ever since i was a kid and i can quit any time i want to !

i just don't see the need to quit right now or in the future .besides i want to keep my reels working smoothley , all thirtyseven of them . ( only one ice rod has a reel ) .

it is very time consuming to dust off fishing rods , it is easier to use them than clean them continuesley .

i've spent a lot of money on lures , it would be a shame not to use them up .

fishing line is cheaper than shoe laces when purchased by the "foot " , i love a bargin !

i have never run over a deer in my boat , i can't say the same for my car . i feel this is a much safer way of travel than driving to work .

fish gotta eat too , without me to feed them they would sureley starve , i'm doing my part to help out as much as i can !

i do not spend all my time fishing , sometimes the bait store dosen't open untill 6 a.m. and i have to wait an hour or so before it opens .

since i have been fishing not one fish has filed for unemployment , i am personally keeping them working .

i am not a fish a holic , too , i can quit any time i want too !

[Tongue] Lonehunter , YOU ARE IN DENIAL !!!!!! LOL
Classic Dave!!

LoneHunter, great reply, do you think you can fish [size 1]Denial, I mean DaNile([/size]HAHA)[shocked][crazy]!!

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
ya I have that disease! [cool]

hey aaron... who's that romeo guy thats on this board? i was looking at some other board and he was saying that he knows you and that we all should go fishin together..... who is he[crazy]??

With todays wind and crashing limbs I found my self twitteling my thumbs, cant wet a line and cant get on a line to bft.

11 hours I sat, wondering when the power would come back on, Not that I was cold, Not that the wind was howling like the lone wolf, it was that there was absolutley nothing to do, but wait for a bft life ring.... thought I was going to drown [center][shocked] "member out of watter" [shocked][/center]
Ya know, I have that disease too.
being a fish-hallic is a disease and we should be considered disabled. We should be allowed to skip a day of school or work or errands or whatever.... we need that right to do that!!!!
I fully agree, and insted of calling it a sick day it should be called a good health day....
A bad day fishing still beats a good day at work. ha ha. I have discovered that fishing can lead to some serious health risks. I continue to develope eye problems as a result but without loss of vision.

Why should "Eye" go to work when "Eye" can go fishing instead?
MY Friends I also suffer from this disease but with a twist I also suffer from a fishing related sleeping disorder called sleep hooksetting when sleeping the night before a fishing trip I tend to dream that I am setting the hook on a TROPHY fish only thing is I physically set the hook in my sleep one time I even Knocked my wife out of the bed I thought it was pretty funny she on the other hand well you can Imagine what she said
LOL, I did that too, Only I put my hand through the wall board at the head of the bed, good thing I did not have a high head board or find a stud....[shocked]
If I don't get out on the lake for awhile I get the shakes real bad[crazy]. It's not a pretty sight, me sitting in a corner in the dark repeating the phrase "That's a good one"[Wink]
how about sleeping with your fishing poles,without the btf hooksafe[shocked][shocked]
done that too,,,
tied on hook and bobber gone to sleep rod in hand. wake up the next morn step in to my boots and out the door I would be, and one time I found my self out the door headed for the pond before I awoke....[shocked] "Sleep Fishing" [sly]
I wish i could say that i suffer from the same diesease, unfortunatley, I work a piddly job where i earn bearly enough for rent and a few lures from the clarence bin at wally world. But i am trying to see if I can convince workmans comp that work is bad for my health (i could state excessive stress or work related depression) then i could get them to fund my habbit, but i would need an new g-lumis rod and pfluger reel and a tackle box full of senkos, crank baits, spinners, spoons, jigs, and a few worm hooks, and a landing net.

Humm i like the sounds of that i wonder if i could get workmans comp to take the bait, then i could join the elite class of fish-o-hollics

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