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FishinMagician, CBA Report, Bass, 2/28/08, Perchjerker
Practice the weekend before was disappointing to say the least. We could only get a couple of bites each day of practice, but they were quality bites. We never really put any pattern together except to just make alot of casts. When we blasted off my motor would only turn 4000 rpm's so we made the decision to stop on the first place we came to and just start fishing instead of making the long run to our best spot. When we set down on our first stop my gps module quit working, so now we have motor problems and have to figure out lineups to get setup on every place we fish. After a brief mad spell we catch our first fish and get settled back down. We had a limit that weighed about 15 lbs. by 9:00 am. We continued to cull the rest of the day and upgrading to a final weight of 19.23 lbs. The fish really bit alot better saturday than they had the previous weeks. I was fortunate to have what we weighed in after the practice and boat problems we had during the tournament. I was so excited at one point when I was culling a fish that I kept the fish I was taking off my balance beam and through the balance beam back in the lake. We caught all our fish in probably less than 4 feet of water on a variety of baits.

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