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JDK, Riverpark, Smallies/Spots, 4/5
<br /> Started off a nice day but then the wind got crazy and the boat motor started acting up so didnt end the day to well.. Fished mostly near the ramp as I didnt want to get stranded but still managed some good fish.. Caught 4 smallies 1 good one, 5 spots, 1 drum and 2 white bass.. Highlight of the day was getting my crankbait nailed and fighting like crazy just knowing it was a big smallie out jumps a Gar and no lie he had to have been 4 ft long looked like a saltwater fish, it scared the crap out of me LOL.. I was glad he spit the crankbait hah.. Best smallie weighed 3.7 and 19 inches long was a long skinny male and best spot was 2lbs even.. Think I might have an enthnol problem with the motor GRRR Idles great but when put into gear will only go idle speed.Hopefully get it fixed this week so I dont miss fishing the full moon..<br /> Crankbaits were they key today every fish came on deep diving crankbaits in bright colors.Water temp still right at 58 degrees<br /> <br /><br /> <br />

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