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Silver Lake, Brighton
Went to Silver Lake last night with a friend from Santa Barbara and my daughter, she wasn't as much interested in fishing but was into trying out herr new waders. Fish were hitting hard on powerr bait & panther martins (silver tipped with a glitter wiggley) something by buddy cooked up. I was trying my had at fly fishing and caught everything except fish: bushes, trees, rocks & me, but that ok, I was out having fun. My bud pulled on 11" bow up and another guy fishing next to us pulled up 3-4 in about 20 minutes before we all got rained out, hailed out & moosed out. Had a nice cow cruising the lake then she decided to go strolling down the boardwalk to the info center. A little while later another even biggger cow came strolling off the mountain and started skirting the lake, thats when the rain, hail & wind kicked up enough to chase everyone out. It was the first time my bud had everr seen a real live moose. We left silver lake and headed down the canyon and fished Cottonwood creek for a while at some of the beaver ponds I caught one bow about 7" is all, but we had another first, both my daughter & bud saw their first beaver, startled the heck out of them both, came right at them until it got close the slipped away. Fished from 5PM until 9PM and never noticed where the time went.
Got to love those "First time trips" I can rember all the firsts with my dad in the maountians like they was yesterday. Cant wait to have them with my son.

Great post Fly brings back good memories.
Great place to take the "first timers" It definitely seems that the moose population is in full effect up big cottonwood this year. Great you could show your friend the huge black animal!!!

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