09-07-2001, 01:13 AM
<br>So there we were…. 10 AM, 5 miles off the southside of Kauai, `a third of the way down the mountain with 6,000 ft. of water under the boat, nice sunny day, 15 knot winds, chest high swells & me & the family enjoying the ride….<br><br>I now have the 8 year old up on the bridge, driving the boat, his mom n dad relaxing on the bench seat midship watching the lures pop & swim behind the boat & the kid standing watching forward at the Big group of birds just ahead of us & the young miss sunning on the back deck, I’m liking the new style of swimwear, `I mean how the lures are swimming….<br><br>Suddenly, dad says, “WoW !!! Look at all the birds… <br>The boys n me
& the 8 year old says in a “Knowingly way, Dad, they have been in front of us for 20 minutes, were trying to catch up with the school…`Duh…<br>I Smile BIG inside… <br>& ask him to go ahead & get on the deck as his turn might be up if we get a pass & the 40 lb. rod gits bit…<br><br>The Skipjack are feeding on Nehu, a 2 inch bait fish that balls up tight, the birds really like this as it provides a easy meal. It also gives us an easy pass at times & this is one of em…<br><br>As the group of birds get close, we can hear the birds squawking at each other, they are in groups tight to the water, in area’s 50 ft. in diameter with nice splashes coming up from underneath… & hundreds flying around everywhere ya look in an area a half mile around the boat, Quite the show, the Frigates are chasing the Shearwaters trying to get them to spit up their food as they don’t have the wax on their wings & can’t get wet like the little shearwaters, all on board are enjoying watching the big bird harass the little one & are amazed by how well it can maneuver for it’s size & Why it would put so much energy into such small bait, I still can’t answer that without thinking they are just bully’s as they often do it, at times relentlessly… <br><br>Here we go….<br>SNAP…ZZzzZZzz Another…`Snap ZZzzzzzzzZzzz…! DOUBLE ..!!!<br><br>OK, your up..! get the small belt on, dad, you might want to help him, the kid can have the one off the rigger….<br>As I slow the boat, I can see both rods seem to be paying out line as if hooked to the Skipjack that are boiling all around the boat & are both going deep.<br>I reel in the short lure’s & stow it while telling the kid ta, “take it easy…Watch what your doing, your just yanking line off the reel, if it’s running, just hold it & wait…<br>Dad n the 8 year old are doing good, just holding on, might be cause the lighter line isn’t giving much choice, these big skipjack are Tough.<br>I turn the boat downhill & take it out of gear so’s not to be pulling line off with the boat & making it easier for dad n son team & allowing the kid ta crank his in mo easy on the 50SW… it doesn’t take long for his to get to color, I get my small gaff ready in case it’s not hooked good & ask again to crank to swivel & be ready, as I pull the 20 foot 400 lb. leader, I can see the 10/0 hook from my Richard Cranium lure is solid in the tunas mouth & just lift it onboard, I take the hook out of it’s mouth, slip it into the artery under the chin to bleed it & hold it upside down while the pool of blood goes out the scupper, the kid asks if he can hold it for a picture, as mom has the camera ready…<br><br>I Smile n say, `Sure… checking that mom & the young miss are out of the way but dad n son are close by…<br>I let the kid grab it, knowing he will never be able to hold on…<br>`sure nuff… as soon as he lifts the 18 lb. Skipjack, it shakes the rest of it’s blood ALL over as it drops to the ground…<br>I tell him again, but mo serious this time that he Really needs ta hold on… LOL<br><br>Now we can concentrate on dad n son, `in their Pink Poka Dot clothes trying ta get some of the 40 lb. string back on the 4/0 reel…<br>With only the short rigger lure out, I’m able to keep the fish off the stern & stay out of gear so they actually do a good job teaming up on the fish, dad lifting / level winding & the 8 year old cranking… saying how, “he JUST Can’t Believe his fish is the same size as his brothers as his is So Much stronger…<br><br>I sit on the bridge watching as this family from the flatlands get ta experience Blue Water Fishing…<br><br>As the fish gets to color, about 60 ft. under the boat, the 8 year old sees the Big Blue / Silver flash & Exclaims how he was rite about the size…<br>Then….ZZZZzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz `OK, just hold it..!…ZZzzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzz…..<br><br>I
as I hear that “Knowing Voice” again, saying how he, “KNEW HIS Fish was MUCH BIGGER than big brothers…<br>& the Smile was priceless on everyone on board…<br><br>After that last run, the fish came up quick…<br>I again explain they need ta be ready when I pull it to the surface in case it wants`ta ta run…<br>As I pull the 16 ft. 200 lb. leader, I see the 8/0 hook on the peanut only has a little of the tuna’s mouth & part of the gill hanging on it so I put a gaff in it’s head & bring it on board…<br><br>WoW..! `It IS bigger…this one will go 25 lbs `Easy…<br>The “Knowing voice” says, I Told you..!<br>We take a family picture, give high fives & pack the fish in the ice, `Sashimi tonight…<br><br>I have the `8 year old pro… drive towards the birds as I put the lines back out…<br>Telling the kid, “there Really Should be a Marlin swimming around with these tuna…<br>`Keep your eye on that Short lure….<br><br>So there we were… All bloodied up, chasing them booby’s again…<br><br>`ta be continued…<br>I have ta go to the Farmers Market…<br><br><b><font color=red>Aloha</b></font color=red><br><br>Dan<br>Stand Up!!!<br><br><br><A HREF="http://www.fishingkauai.com" target="_new"> Stand Up Fish`N Charters Kauai Hawai </A> <br>[