04-27-2009, 09:00 AM
<br /> Had the pleasure of partnering with XLDVEE for CFF #3. We started down lake on a shallow flat where I had success pre-fishing, hoping for some topwater action, and there was a ton of activity, just none that would bite. We switched to jigs and plastics, but still no takers. Started working a nearby grass point with XR50&#39;s and finally boated Keeper #1. Picked up a couple more slicks and moved on down lake. Still fishing grass flats, we picked up several more small fish, so we started working our way back up river. Stopped back at the first spot and ran into Flip1up and his wife, and witnessed one of the finest diplays of netmanship I&#39;ve ever seen. I can see it like it was yesterday, Karl fighting a monster (GIANT), calls for the net, and suddennly magazines, sunscreen, and towels start flying as Dana is like hovering over the boat, net handle in hand, four rods attached to the net, spinning around like a chopper blade, then suddenly Karl yells nevermind and reaches down and lips a 15 1/2 incher.emoRolleyes My partner was enthralled, and a quick study, as suddenly I hook up and Adam immediately lunges (6&#39;-2&amp;quot;, 300 lbs) for the net. In a flash, he has net handle in hand with two of my rods hooked securely in the net, by the lure, just as the previous demo had instructed, when I yelled nevermind and reached down and lipped a 15 1/2 incher. emoApplause We then moved to a nearby shallow pocket where we boated keeper #3 and low and behold we look up to see &amp;quot;TEAM AIR BISCUITS&amp;quot; (Ranger Rob and Bprice), bearing down on our latest hot spot. We chatted for a minute then continued upriver where we stopped on another grass flat. At this point, we have three in the box and feeling pretty good, when I hook a good fish on a texas rigged craw. As I work the fish toward the boat Adam flies into action again, as he grabs up the net, and readies himself for the scoop, when all of sudden, as the fish is making it&#39;s last past to boat, Adam raises the net and in tomahawk fashion, cold cocks the fish in the head and knocks it free.emoScratch He looks at me and calmly says,&amp;quot;my bad&amp;quot;.emoBawl <br /> No worries, for we haven&#39;t even made it to my big fish spots yet, so we move on up river. As we approach big fish heaven, we find five other boats already thereemoWelcome , so we stop nearby and begin fishing a rock bank where Adam lands keeper #4 and breaks off twice on hook set. Oh well, that was our day for keepers. We caught several fish throughout the day and it was a pleasure getting to know a new friend and learning a set a netting skills I hope to soon forget.emoPoke Thanks Adam, I truely had a blast.<br /> On a personal note, I would like to thank all those that share with me the opportunity to put these tournaments on and to those that come out and participate. Congratulations to Terry and Bill for an awesome bag and to the others that placed. Look forward to seeing everyone May 16, on Chickamauga.