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The federal rule that removes gray wolves from the endangered species list became final today, Monday, May 4. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's delisting rule affects wolves in Idaho, Montana, parts of Washington, Oregon and Utah. Wolves in Wyoming will remain on the endangered species list.

Does anyone know what utah's stance is on these? Kill on site, are they going to have some sort of tag? I dont think they recognize any in the state. Last i heard anyway. But sense they delisted them in the state i was curious what the state was going to do.

Also i am curious why they didnt delist them in wyoming? I know that they were going to have a kill on site season, much like they have for coyotes. Not sure if thats why or something else?
I hope Braz will chime in on this. I think Wyoming has the "protected" zone that you cannot do anything to them unless they are attacking humans or livestock. I believe the other areas in Wyo and around the west, they can be shot on sight as a predator.

I know a lot of hunters that use the SSS philosophy when it comes to wolf management![cool]
Hey there TKB,

As of May 4th Wolves were ONLY delisted in Idaho and Montana.

Wolves in Wyoming are still protected under the endanged species act, and are under federal control. You can not legally kill a wolf in Wyoming at this time. The feds would not delist them in Wyoming because they are claiming our management plan does not meet the requirements of the ESA, although they accepted the same plan with last years delisting. They do not like the "Predator" shoot any time area of Wyoming.
Idaho, Montana, parts of Washington, Oregon and Utah. all were delisted on the 4th. Pretty much all but wyoming. I figured it was something like that. I know there kill on site management plan from last year is one thing that the group that was sueing the feds wanted to be changed.
Good to know. I think I'll still keep to the tried and true triple S plan though. I've got a friend that is a gov't trapper up there, and he said should I get really bored, I could help him run a line or two, and if a wolf was captured I could blast it in the head! Since he's fed, he can kill them whenever he wants. He's whacked 15+ since he's been up in Wyo. The funny thing is that he isn't allowed to take cats or bears without permission from the state, even if they are problematic.
From what i've read they disallowed wyoming because they didn't have a relative management plan for the future wolfs. the non game plan- shoot on site didn't agree with the feds much.

Not saying that i agree just to make it clear.

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