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yellburt, bennett lake, bass,crappie, 5-08-09, bassERT
yes we went,why i dont know,just by chance that the weather man was wrong.when pat pulled in the drive way , he said that it was going to get ugly about 8 or he was right .i managed to catch a smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallll a couple of perch.there were 4 or 5 other boats down there.we were in the process of going to the cement plant to fish the pillons,an some rocks,when the clouds got REAL ugly.they were moving around ,an we headed for the trailer,an we were alittle late ,the bottom feel out ,everybody got to the ramp at about the same guy i know had put in at the old ramp an he got gone before anybody.when we got to ketners mill it cleared some. so there is is in a nut shell.some times it pays to listen to the radar..maybe sat will be a better day ,i am almost afraid to look..sure would like to get a day in..aint had my line tight in over a week.if anybody goes today they need to be careful of all the junk in the water...really bad...emoUSA

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