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proc. question
lost my proc. need a question answered legal to catch a blue gill put in back on another hook and "fly line" it for bass or not thanx

I don;t the answer but you can get the proc at [url ""][/url]
Just so everyone has the answer. See section 3.

R657-13-12 [ol] [li] [ol] [li]Fishing is permitted with any bait, except corn, hominy or live fish. [li]Possession or use of corn or hominy while fishing is unlawful. [/li][/ol]
[li]Use or possession of any bait while fishing on waters designated artificial fly and lure only is unlawful. [li]Game fish or their parts may not be used, except for the following: [ol] [li]Dead Bonneville cisco may be used as bait only in Bear Lake. [li]Dead yellow perch may be used as bait only in: Deer Creek, Fish Lake, Echo, Gunnison, Hyrum, Johnson, Jordanelle, Newton, Pineview, Rockport, Sevier Bridge (Yuba), Utah Lake, and Willard Bay reservoirs . [li]Dead white bass may be used as bait only in Utah Lake. [li]The eggs of any species of fish, except prohibited fish, may be used. However, eggs may not be taken or used from fish that are being released. [/li][/ol]
[li]Use of live crayfish for bait is legal only on the water where the crayfish is captured. It is unlawful to transport live crayfish away from the water where captured. [li]Manufactured, human-made items that may not be digestible (e.g. rubber worms, plastic baits, sponge, etc.) that are chemically treated with food stuffs, chemical fish attractants, or feeding stimulants may not be used on waters where bait is prohibited. [/li][/ol]
That definitely answered your question with section 3.

Take note of section 2 for anybody who has fished a artificial lake. This includes anything left in your car/truck.
thanx curtisfish but that really bums me out heard blue lake had some big bass that would'nt hit lures i figured throw a blue gill there way they might bite oh well maybe next year
So this means that the guys who've been going to the Berry and netting minnows are fishing illegally, right? Make sure you watch that, fellas. We don't want any BFT members to get hit with tickets from the warden.
I can't speak for everyone, but I am not breaking any laws when I fish with minnows at Strawberry. The minnows that I net are not game fish and I immediately put them on ice and fish only with dead minnows.
I wouldn't worry too much about that aquaman. Your in the middle of the desert, 7 miles from the main road about 20 from the nearest outpost. No game wardens out there and if you go on a week day I'm sure you'll be all alone.
Hey were suppose to be sportsmen here. Don't incurage somebody to break the law just because your out in the middle of BFE.

In case you haven't noticed but fish cops use spotting scopes to watch what you do. So just because your out in the middle of the lake doesn't mean that somebody isn't watching and waiting for you to screw up.
Point taken! Livelining bait seems natural to me, guess I just don't understand why it's not legal? I'd like to understand the reason behind it if anyone can enlighten me please do.

I could give you list but if for this go straight to the source.

[url ""][/url]
The way this was explained to me is that the reason we have so many "trash fish" in the waters is because of all of the live minnows used in years past. Carp, Chubs, Suckers, etc... were used in the state for a long time. People would fish for the day and dump their leftovers into the lake. I'm sure it's more involved than that, but there is the short and simple.

Sorry to all of us that fish for some of these species. I love the fight from a big carp myself, but calling them trash fish lets everyone know what I'm talking about.

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