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I.F. fishing report
I headed out fishing with the kid today to test some stuff on the boat (new electric starter!) and see if any bass were active. I did have a minor problem with a plug that wasn't in it appropriate hole initially, but that was quickly remedied. The starter worked great allowing my arm to still have casting energy! Finally started working my usual spot and quickly hooked up on a 4" Mr. Twister in pumpkin pepper on a 1/4 oz yellow jig. I then proceeded to land another 5 over 1 1/2 hours with the biggest weighing in at 3# and the smallest probly about 2#+. I had at least that many hits that I missed as well. I lost one perch crank bait to something that fought hard then snapped 8# test line! May have been a carp, but I would love to think it was a bass [Smile]. I also caught them using tubes. But all that were getting hits were in natural colors. Water temp according to the vexilar depth/water temp thermometer was 65 degrees, which is pretty close to what it felt like. It was also pretty murky looking water though.

In the pic, my kid is about the size of most 4-5 yr olds. That may give you an idea of the fish size in the pics for perspective.
Nice looking Bass. Looks like you are teaching the boy the right things in life. Is that in Gem Lake? Never have fished the Lake part, only the river. I also heard there are Perch in there, it that true? If so, where is a good place to find them?
It is Gem. There are perch in there, but I've never done well for them. I caught one a couple years ago near the marina, but it was a tiny roberts pond size perch. I ran into a guy that had a perch approaching 12" day before x-mas this last year that claimed he caught it near the dam ice fishing there, but who really knows?
Great report. I've been wanting to fish that area but haven't gotten around to it yet.
awesome report im glad gemlake is starting to produce some nice small mouth. im excited now
Thanks for the information. I need to get a hold of some Perch, does not matter the size. Even if I can catch them in a minnow trap, that would be good. I think I will try the weekend after Memorial for some Bass and Perch on Gem Lake.

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