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well i needed to put some minnows in the frezer and i knew just where to find some.. lol
my fishing buddy tommy was off fishing with my bro-in-law. so i asked my other boy's if they wanted to go give it a try with me.. to my surprize jonny said sure i want to go.. so off we went.. got to the lake around 12:00 or so.. got the one trap i got here with me set.. and i casted a jig for about 20 min's.. caught 4 fish quick on the jig, but jonny want to catch one to.. so we pulled the trap in had about 75 minnows in it.. got him rigged up with a bobber and minnow.. and away he went catching fish left and right.. he kicked his old mans butt all over the lake lol well i was spending a lot of time with the trap and playing with the jig as well.. i think we must have caught abot 300 minnows 10 tigers and around 30 cutt's.. not bad for 3 hours.. stoped at huntington on the way home.. fished for about 45 min's missed about 20 bites and cought one tiger.. and set in a bad hell storm.. it got to cold for jonny to hang so we called it a day..
here some of the fish jonny caught at E-lake..
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Nice catching.
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great job on the catching. were you at the damn end of the reservoir when you got the minnows? we might take a drive down to check on the snow at the cabin and spend a little time after minnows. thanks
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I see the tigers are getting bigger !! I need to get up there but its gonna have to wait till middle after my trip to florida.
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lol thanks jonny did most the catching tho. yeah i was right on the dam.. i find the minnow catching easyer there than the north end.. ya just got to keep the traps out the holes in the rocks.. or it will open up and let all the minnows out and ya need to fish one end of the trap back of the lake.. lol been there did that!! [sly]
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I gotta tell ya I like that report, Fuzzy. Especially with the young one catching all those big fish, that's the way it should be on a day like that. I've been in that area a lot but I have yet to wet a line in Electric, and I should get up there and break in my new minner trap too. Gee, I could even take my grandson and let him catch the most fish! Thanks for the idea.
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oh ya that is the way to do it... just get some fresh minnows set them up with a bobber and about 4 feet leder make sure to kill the minner befor casting out.. ya only need to be 5 to 10 feet off shoure and let the fun begin..[sly] my buddy i have been cussing the last week has finley droped off my minnow traps i let him use last fall.[crazy]. so i might be headed back real soon to realy put a dent in them minnow's.. now i'll have 7 traps insted of just 1.. [sly]
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I just started catching minnows for the first time last fall. I bought a trap for 10.00 from Cabelas, and have only tried it out twice. I wasn't too successful. Do you mind sharing what kind of bait you use to attract the minnows?
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I'm not sure what Fuzzy uses, but some of the kids I know just use Cap'nCrunch or other similar stale bread or cereal type substance in a ziplock back (important-I made a mess of things last time) with holes in it. Trick is to first find the minnows along the shoreline, then it shouldn't be too hard enticing them into a trap.
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well catching minnows in the fall is hard to do.. ya might get 10 or 12 in a trap a day.. thats why i got 7 traps..
but right now the shiners or getting ready to spown so they are feeding up.. and are in the shalows esay to see.. as for bait i just use a 1/2 of a hot dog bunn roll it into a ball as tite as you can put it in the trap.. every time you pull the trap ya got to take out the old and put a new one in..
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Can you take live minnows away from the area where you catch them.
If not how do you kill them.
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no you can't take live minnows form the area you caught them from.. i just put them in a buckit with some water in it to keep the cool. once i get about 300 minnows in there there is not enough oxigen in there for them to breath and they die.. and befor i leve the lake i remove the water from the buckit so it's not so heavy to pack up the hill.. putting them on ice works well to..
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i assume you use the minnows for cats? do you also fish a dead minnow under a bobber for trout? just curious as i have never caught anything on a dead minnow other then a cat.
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oh yeah i catch all kinds of fish on them minnows.. from lake trout at the gorge and fish lake. to splake at JV to tiger trout at huntington.. to the cutt's tigers and bow's in a lot of other lakes around the state... but as you say they are good for the cat's in UTL and any other place ya find them to.. [sly]
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Is this E-lake a secret or can you expand on where it is. just curious.
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not a secret at all.. it's just a nick name i give the lake years ago long before E-mail and all the other E-stuff.. lol..
it's Electric lake up fairview canyon.. it's no Secret that the minnows in there are plentafull and big! go get ya some soon befor the spown is over and they go deeper and are hard to catch..