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Blue Horizon Trip July 17,18
[size 2][size 1]Hello Guys,[/size]

[size 1]We've put together a charter on the Blue Horizon for July 17 (leaves about 9pm), 18 (returns about 8pm). This charter is already a bit over half full of inexperienced and first time saltwater anglers. For beginners in Saltwater fishing this is a perfect trip to get some great instruction, catch some Fish, and have a great time. For more experienced anglers who wouldn't mind answering some questions and giving a bit of direction here and there we are reducing the cost of the trip and would appreciate you being there.[/size]

[size 1]Although we haven't nailed everything down yet, we are planning on giving out some great prizes and this should be a lot of fun. [/size]

[size 1]The days are firm and the trip is set but we are still working out some details. I will keep everyone posted.[/size]

[size 1]We will be putting a number of these charters together and if anyone has any suggestions we appreciate your input.[/size][/size]

TheAngler BFT Moderator

Hi theangler,

This sounds interesting. The Horizon is in San Diego so the trip is there and just what kind of finny creatures are we looking to scare the you-know-what out of? Is it catch and release? Limited load?

Thanks for the heads up!

Mr. H. ISP,Up and running untill,a Gateway moment.Count me in,I'll call soon for details!

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