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Quaggas and Zebra Here to Stay
Forgive me, just some thoughts on the current status of the invasive mussels.

I looked up some facts on the 100th meridian website. It basically states there is no way to contain downstream spread of the mussels. Electric lake to huntington to san rafael river to colorado river to lake powell and so on. I also only found a single instance of treatment on a small pond in virginia and it was very expensive. These are here to stay, we need to learn how to live with them.

They (DWR, State Parks) have set up a voluntary (with the exception of lake powell) honor system to prevent spreading any further. Now if just under 50% of the people checked at strawberry last year were in violation of catch limits, do we have a chance that these same people will really decontaminate, wait the 2 weeks after being to a contaminated water? How many people drop a boat into electric and then head on over to mammoth or cleveland, or huntington or joes valley or nine mile, paliSades etc..

Remember the sky in falling mentality when whirling disease first hit the scene. Seems we're getting through it OK, I think it was one of the driving forces between the aggresive tiger trout stocking program.

I think we're going to see these little critters showing up in a lot of lakes. They are probably already in dozens of lakes already. I do not have any faith that my fellow fisherman will follow decontaminate guidlines, heck 50% of them probably don't even know what they are. They will be spread to all of the popular waters (if they already haven't been).

I hope, as with most thing like this, that the effect on the ecosystem of a lake is exaggerated and we'll learn to live with the mussels just like we have with whirling disease and illegal fish introductions.

I will do my part and I'm sure 95% of the guys on this forum will do theirs, but there a many guys that will ignore it complelety.

Not calling anyone or any organization out, just putting into words the reality of the world today.
[quote born2fish] Now if just under 50% of the people checked at strawberry last year were in violation of catch limits, [/quote]\

Just curious to where you got that statistic?
I wish it weren't true, but I'm afraid you are right. I have been thinking the same thing all along. I don't believe this will ever be contained. I think we need to try but...
My thoughts are this: most fisherman won't have any idea that they have a boat with the infamous creatures from Mars.

True and it always will be; folks just don't get told that they may have wittle cutie clammy creatures that reproduce accordingly and suck up all the zoo plankton like mad.

Its a subject thats hard to discuss without some serious concern.

However Quagas won't damage every lake. In fact in Lake St Claire Canada the smallmouth actually did good. Despite the Zebra and Quaggas infesting the lake.

TubeDude got me to pull my head out of the clouds when he posted about his cleaning duties. Lets get our inflated PVC floating buddies clean after we fish. Thanks TubeDude.

Sorry for me to say this but I haven't got any worry over Utah Lake. Why? There are sooooooooo many carp I doubt that the mussels would go very far before being carpuumed up my the overpopulated and starving carp.

The rest of the lakes I'm afraid..........very afraid.

And I'm a lover of Lake Havasu which I'm going to next month. Lake Havasu Arizona is official Zebra mussel territory. Bummer.

But I only fish like every year maybe twice a year. But I'm still gonna get the 'ol Formula 409!
Just on the news today, [url ""]Lake Powell to require mussel inspections[/url]. See KSL, online. [size 3]PAGE, Ariz. (AP) -- Boaters on Lake Powell must now have federal inspectors check their craft for zebra or quagga mussels before entering the water. [/size]
well funny you should say something like that.. last year a week before the dwr come out and said there were zebra mussels in E-lake. i have my boat on E-lake then a 2 day trip to fish lake a day after E-lake.. so it can happen..

it would help a lot if the DWR or DNR would put out a list of lakes that are known to have the mussels in them.. rather than just haveing a sign there as ya pull up..
it would be nice to know before ya get there!
Check out the dwr website for a list of waters.
hope this helps.

[pirate] Just another angle on the spread of these muscles that I haven't heard anyone mention. I recently fished in a tournament with a guy from a state that that has a large population of these muscles in their waters. He told me that after each cast he has to clean the muscles of of his jig. Just dragging something on the bottom of the lake will cause them to grab on and not let go. With that being the case, how many Pelicans would it take to spread these with out any help from anglers. What irritates me the most is that we will be blamed when they show up in the rest of our lakes.

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