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Weber report
Hello everyone, I hope everyone caught some fish this weekend. I went to the Weber in the area between rockport and echo on Sunday and a great day caught two big browns. One took me about 30-40 yards downstream into a couple of other guys fishing finally landed him and since these guys were there watching I had them take my pic. Hopefully the pics will turn out and I will post them when I get them developed. I caught the first one on a simple Herl and hackle flymph(14). The other big brown I caught was below a faster rocky section where I always throw a dry on just to tempt them into a strike, and that is what happened, tossed a parachute PMD(14) above into the run and down it came into the calm dropoff and wham..but no one there to take my pic this time. I guess I should invest in a net to help land these creatures and make it easier to get a pic of them.

I also went to the Ogden on Saturday evening, water was up to a good stage, caught about 10 fish ranging from small 7-9" to med. 11-14". Everything was caught on nymphs, serendiptidys, and scuds.

Gotta go now, cya later.

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