06-21-2009, 09:00 AM
Met my buddy at the boat ramp at 6a.m this morning and headed to the dam to try for some bait. They were running alot of water today (36,800cfs). We waited our turn to get in the trash hole and catch bait. We drifted for an hour I ran the boat and my buddy fished just to much current in my flat bottom for me to fish I had to stay on the throttle to much. Our drifting produced the only striper of the day it weighed 23lbs 9oz. He also caught 2 cats about 12lbs or so. Then we went and tied to wing wall to try for some bass. Caught 7 bass the biggest being 4lbs 6oz really thin caught one small mouth and one sauger that was only 13in. It was about 9a.m and the sun was cooking us so we made a move back to the trash hole to get in the shade. Started jigging for some crappie. My buddy caught a 6in drum on a assasin so when he caught another fish I figured the same thing. Nope it was a 15in crappie grabed the net and boated the fish. Took some pics on my phone and one on the ruler and she went back in the drink. Headed back to the boat dock at 10a.m. We had a great trip for a couple short hours despite the heavy water dischard. All fish were caught around the dam and released.