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Costa Rica Fishing Report.
Well beins I was on alittle R&R for a spell,Lets check Saltys( While you were out sluming) messages. Jim called,Patty called, Bob called, and oh oh by the looks of that browm steamy pile on the floor.............. nature called!!!!!!!!

OK lets checkin with Capt. Walton and mate Miguel

5-22 Steaming out of the dock with Joseph Hackey aboard and returns having landed 2 Sails and a nice Marlin

5-23 Next to depart out of Los Sueños beautiful Marina we have an owner on board. Mr. Mitch Friedman one of the proud owners of the impressive Villas known as CASA OASIS They dock with 4 Sails and 1 Marlin.

5-25 Boarding Sunny next to fish the abundant waters of the Central Pacific Coast we have Skip Jemison, Who has a fine day landing 1 Sail and 5 Dinner Dorado

5-26 Turns out to be a special day for the Marla Rowan group, tagging up with a 500lb Monster Marlin Nice job!!!!!!!!!!!

5-30 We close out the month of May with Costa Rican Eduardo Calvo on board Sunny One. They dock with a fine catch of 19 small but tasty Dorado and one fine Rooster fish.

That wraps up May a good month for all. Remember for all your needs, We here at STAY IN COSTA RICA will do everything possible to make your Costa Rica vacation. A truly unforgettable adventure!!!!!!!!!!!

Until later No bananas on board please Catchem up SALTY DOG

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