06-24-2009, 11:10 AM
The Department of Conservation and Recreation invites interested sportsmen and women, foresters, land trust and watershed association members and other conservationists to participate in their Forest Futures Visioning Process at a two-part public forum in Leominster on Tuesday, June 23, 2009, from 4 - 8 p.m. The first part of the forum will be a Walk-in-the-Woods at Leominster State Forest off Rte 31 in Leominster, the second part of the form will be held at the Doyle Conservation Center on Abbot Avenue in Leominster.
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Walk-in-the-Woods, Leominster State Forest
DCR Forester Chuck Pernaa will lead the group to several locations at Leominster State Forest to discuss and view examples of the forest conditions, management practices, and recreational uses of some of our state lands. Meet at the Crow Hill Day Use Area parking lot. From Route 2, on Rt. 31 southbound, travel .9 mile past the park headquarters on the left-hand side. Please dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes. If possible, please car pool.
5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Travel to Doyle Center, 464 Abbot Avenue, off Rte 2, Leominster -- Directions, see http://www.thetrustees.org/pages/3946_directions.cfm.
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Public Forum (Light Food and Refreshments Available)<br />
Please join us for the first of our public forums to elicit your feedback about public values, goals, and concerns about the management of DCR forest lands, going forward. The program will begin with approximately a half-hour of presentations that will provide an overview of the Forest Futures Visioning Process, basic facts about forests, and key issues. DCR will collect questions for the subject experts and presenters and answer as many as time allows. Then, working in small groups, there will be an hour of organized discussion. The groups will report back to the group at large about what is important about Massachusetts forestlands, from their perspective.
A second similar forum is tentatively scheduled for July 14 at a location to be determined in the Berkshires.
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Walk-in-the-Woods, Leominster State Forest
DCR Forester Chuck Pernaa will lead the group to several locations at Leominster State Forest to discuss and view examples of the forest conditions, management practices, and recreational uses of some of our state lands. Meet at the Crow Hill Day Use Area parking lot. From Route 2, on Rt. 31 southbound, travel .9 mile past the park headquarters on the left-hand side. Please dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes. If possible, please car pool.
5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Travel to Doyle Center, 464 Abbot Avenue, off Rte 2, Leominster -- Directions, see http://www.thetrustees.org/pages/3946_directions.cfm.
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Public Forum (Light Food and Refreshments Available)<br />
Please join us for the first of our public forums to elicit your feedback about public values, goals, and concerns about the management of DCR forest lands, going forward. The program will begin with approximately a half-hour of presentations that will provide an overview of the Forest Futures Visioning Process, basic facts about forests, and key issues. DCR will collect questions for the subject experts and presenters and answer as many as time allows. Then, working in small groups, there will be an hour of organized discussion. The groups will report back to the group at large about what is important about Massachusetts forestlands, from their perspective.
A second similar forum is tentatively scheduled for July 14 at a location to be determined in the Berkshires.