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Hello from Canadian Fisher Girl - hoping to get your vote!
Hoping all you outdoorsmen and women will support this avid fishergirl from Canada in a local contest. The contest is on WFN (World Fishing Network) to win a guided fishing trip and be "adopted" by the network. I have fished many rivers and lakes in Canada but would love the opportunity to expand my base and learn more about Sport fishing. Getting the chance to land a Marlin or Bonefish - i can't even imagine!!!!!

Fishing is my passion! Always has been – hope you will vote and keep this Canadian fisher girl in the top 10.

Links are not allowed on this site, but if you go to the WFN network site and click on adopt an angler - I am in the top 10 and my name is Vicki Warwaruk from Calgary. Would appreciate your vote, Or alternatively, you can add me to facebook and the link is there - always looking for more fishing friends! [#ff0000]
Thanks so much

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