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Sad Day...
I was fishing tonight with a guy who fishes a lot the same time as I do, so we talk and fish. I was about to leave, and I saw him set the hook. I asked if he got one, and upon finding that it was a good one, I grabbed my scale and went to assist. I had left my net in the bed of my truck, 100 yards away. He got it to the pier, it was at least 5 pounds. I grabbed the line a foot above the fish to bring it to the pier, and I was almost there, and as soon as the fish left the water, the line snapped. Ohh man that was a NICE fish. Sad day. Only caught little ones.
Hey Simp! I cant tell you how many times that has happend to me... when ever you can you will want to grap a LM bass by the mouth when you dont have a net. im not sure you would be able to where you fish but if you can get good at getting your thumb into the mouth then you wont have to worry about loosing those big ones!

Happy fishing!
That's a classic story and it's happened to the best of us. It's just a reminder to check your line for nicks and abrasion or you may need to upgrade your line size. Or switch to braid.
His mouth was just out of reach, which is why I grabbed the line.

And as far as braid goes, I tried braid once before and it wouldn't cast for crap. I don't know what I was doing, but it just wouldn't work. I probably was doing something wrong.
I have one reel with braid and it's worthless on casting. But my wife's reel has braid and it cast like a dream. I often times use her setup. Sure it's a purple and black pole with an orange reel with green line, but it casts great and catches more fish.


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