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Big Cottonwood 7/6/2009
I also fished a stretch of BCC on Monday. Not the same stretch mentioned in an earlier thread, but a stretch I regularly fish when I need a quick trip.

Used a #2 mepps red and white spinner and managed to catch 6 browns, and 2 brookies. The browns were vividly colored and almost appeared orange on the belly. One brown was dark green, and I almost mistook it for a brook, but it didn't have the same swirl-pattern markings that you see along the back of brooks, and there were no white tips on the front fins. I did snap a few pictures, and will losd then on to this post later tonight when I have some time.

Love this stretch, despite having to wade waist deep through a beaver pond. There were some amazing columbines along the way, and you are farr enough from the road that it seems isolated.
I'm jealous [Image: happy.gif]. Sounds like you had a great time, I love BCC.

How cold was the water? Did you have waders on?

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