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Berry BIG fish !!!
One of these days, I need to attach a camera to my boat with a chain so that I'll always have it there to take pictures with !!

I caught a GINORMOUS cutthroat yesterday!! It was AWESOME !!!

First, we though that I had snagged the bottom, because it wasn't budging, then, it budged.. I saw it in the distance splashing around and thought WAHOOOOOO!!!!!

Anyway, I got him using a rapalla with a black back and silver belly, about 4 inches long and attached directly to a swivel. This is an odd thing because in the past I used to tie rapallas directly to the line. However, I cought more yesterday with the rapalla directly on the swivel.

When I watched the action of the lure, it appeared to roll more rather than wiggle side to side. I think that rolling from black to silver attracted the trout better.

Anyway, back to the monster fish. I got it up to the boat. Had my friend grab it with the net, and as soon as it was in the net, the rapalla came out of it's mouth. WHEW !!!

We put it up on the side of the boat and measured it and it was 24 inches long. However, it was VERY VERY FAT !! That thing must have weighed 5lbs.

I gotta get a scale for my boat too..

It was fun to watch him swim away. I always release any fish I catch at Strawberry (except chubs, which make great bait)

Anyway, I ended up with 4 cuts yesterday and my friend got skunked.. poor guy.. He usually catches more than I do though, so I didn't feel too bad [Wink]

3 of the cuts were with the rapalla I told you about and the third one was with a white fly that was about 2 inches long with a red nose and a piece of worm on it. I trolled it with 2 heavy weights about 3 feet from the fly so that it would sink.

2 of the fish were caught trolling, and two were caught just casting out to the side of the boat.

I didn't see too many fish on the fish finder. Are there fewer this year than last, or am I just not looking in the right places?

The big one I cought was in a cove just about 1/2 mile in the narrows at the south entrance from Strawberry.

The other three were all caught over by Horse creek.

I'm goin up again on Saturday with my little brothers and want to show them a good time. Anybody know where all the other fish are hiding ?? I was hoping to catch a boatload !!! I'll release everything I catch, so tell me what they like to eat and where they live.

I tried a tub jig with chub meat, but didn't get any fish while jigging. However, I did get a couple hits trolling with the tube jig with chub meat, just didn't hook any.

See ya all later,

Joke for the day:

Old fishermen never die, they just smell that way..

Other Joke for the day:

Definition of Fishing: A jerk at one end of the line waiting for a jerk at the other end of the line [:p]
That's awesome.
About the knot and swivel. Rapala type lures are not meant to be tied with a tight knot. I use a loop knot or there is a Rapala Knot that is supposed to be used on the lures. Like you noticed with the swivel, this will give the lure the action that it is meant to have. Swivels will work too, but I think it adds too much unnecessary stuff to the lure.
well it looks like you found the secret to fishing the rapala[Smile]. I have always clipped it directly to the swivel and I see much better success than my fishing buddies who don't. I also know what you mean bout the camera, fished jordanelle today and my brother nailed a huge largemouth. No camera though[crazy].
Anyway, thanks for the report
i use the same knot whenever im jigging[summer or winter]gives the jig alot more action..
Could somebody show me a picture of that knot? Seems like it would be pretty useful. The only knot that I tie doesn't leave anything loose next to the eye where you tye it. I would like to see an example of a loop knot or Rapalla knot so I can learn to use it.
Go to grog's knots The site has animations of a number of useful fishing knots, you can slow and stop the animation as needed. Good luck

The Rapala knot usually comes with the rapala you buy in the box. Or maybe they don't anymore not sure
when you open up the rapala box there is a piece of paper in it open it up and it will show you how to tie the rapala knot. it is awesome i use it all the time.
looks like you got your answer already..try it with jigs youll be surprised at how much more action it gives them..

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