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Hagerman Tips?
Dad is coming in from NC this weekend and we will be heading to Hagerman, planning to try Malad River, Billingsley and Riley Creek, maybe the ponds near the state hatchery if those are slow. Any recent reports? I'll have an update next week after we get back.
If you really want to have a blast, try for Sturgeon below the dam on the Snake. At least check it out. I also catch a lot of trout while Sturgeon fishing, right off the rocks below the dam.
what dam are we talking about?
Looks like lower salmon dam to me. Ron
Yes, Lower Salmon. Just down stream of Hagerman.
what kind of bait do you use? I live close to there and might go check it out.
We use a trout. I bet that was a shock. Ron
I could tell ya, but then I'd have to kill ya!

Really, at the store in Hagerman you can buy trout morts and they work pretty good. There are also pickled squid available in jars that work good. I have some of my own squid concotcions that work good too. I buy a box of frozen and enhance the flavor with things like Anise oil, liver oil, sardine oil and some commercial scents.

Read the regs, barbless hooks only!

If you live close, ask around, one of your buddies probably does it or at least knows how.
My oldest daughter landed her first Sturg on the rock that fish of yours is on in that last pic. She stepped on that rock to get closer for the picture. I will have to find it now. Ron
Thanks for the help. Yeah i know quite a few people that go sturegon fishing and i can use their poles and stuff anytime. Never been but i might have to try it one of these days.
I think you'll like it.
Here's a little vid of Lunkerhunter2 and my buddy Jim fishing just below the dam.

[url ""][/url]
Look fun. Is it harder to fish for them from a little boat like that cause it might pull it around? Me and my buddy always go fishing and he has a little 15ft boat.

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