07-17-2009, 09:00 AM
<br /> got out around 7 and fished til little after dark.. managed three smallmouth and a rockbass.Action was slow compared to the flow... fish were busting the surface everywhere but I fished deeper trying for some good smallies.. Only one was picture worthy.. was 17&amp;quot; and right at 3 lbs.. He was a mean little thing going under and around the boat 3 times and made it tough to net him in the dark.. Caught all fish on cranks(sexy shad Normans deep little N) in 18-24 ft of water throwing cranks against the current... Felt good to get a nice smallie in the boat.. Picture is okay camara on phone has no flash<br /> http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq341...lie1-2.jpg <br />