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Mid-day at the Knolls
So after seeing some other favorable posts about the knolls I took my pontoon down there today for a mid-day run of things. Started at about noon and initially things were a bit slow but picked up as the afternoon went along. I was dragging a line with a shrimp on it as well as casting a few jigs around the clumps of vegetation out in the water. At the start of it the shrimp was not doing so well but I was able to land a few cats and a white bass or two with the jigs. Then the menu must have changed as the jigs fell off and as the wind was picking up the shrimp under a bubble about 3' down took off and kept going like that till I got off the water at about 4pm. Temps were a bit warm but the legs in the water and the light breeze sure made for a nice mid-day outing and a wonderful day not at work!

Took some picks of a few of them before setting them back. The cats ranged in size from 12 to about 16 inches. One cat was ever so kind to clear it's bowels out on my hand and leg as I tried to snap it's photo....
[cool][#0000ff]Good report and nice pics.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Those catfish got no respect and no class. But they sure are fun and they eat good at that size. Actually, they are all good eating but the smaller ones are a bit milder to the palate.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It has been really good seeing all of the small year class cats. Looks like good fishing into the future.[/#0000ff]
Glad you got into them.

I took my 4 Kitties home learned the internet way to fillet then came up with my own method and walla not a bit of wasted kittie meat. Soaked em in some salt water/Soysauce/Worchestershire over nite in the fridge, cut them into nice bite size morsals then used a Beer batter recipe to fry em up and man did they ever taste good. Now I need to repair the raft to go get some more.

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