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Bass Jordanelle
Hello, I was thinking of heading to jordanelle to try some bass fishing with a fly rod. I will be using my pontoon boat. I have never fished for bass and was wondering what kind of flies to use and if there are any technique to use that may differ from trout fishing. Thanks, Mike
I'm going to assume that you are fishing out of a 'one man pontoon' or kickboat. You can lunch in the Rock Cliff arm but don't go all the way to the ramp to start fishing, as soon as you see water on the left launch the 'toon. Bass are chasing the small fry (I couldn't tell if they were perch, bass, trout?) that are congregated around the stickups and stumps. I fished a topwater bite until 8:30 am last Sunday out of my boat with a popper and had a blast. I don't know much about fly fishing but the lures I was using were green/pearl and grey/pearl, hopefully this will help. I took first place in the tournament I was fishing in and I was the only one who did well on topwater...hint, hint...
Try in the weeds with a Type II Sinking line and a BROWN and BLACK small #12 Woolly bugger. I also caught some on a #14 Haresear.
Purple Showgirls works good also.
Done well with streamers at Jordanelle. Try clousers and floating line cast into rocky shore line and strip set the hook when you feel weight on your line.

Have fun[fishin]
Hey thanks for all the info i am stoked to go up Thursday night or maybe Saturday. I have never caught a bass in 30 years of fishing.I guess you could call me a trout guy i mostly have fished streams just got into stillwater with a pontoon.
I have had success with olive and black coneheaded wolly buggers suspended under a strike indicator. Just continue to adjust the depth until you find them.
I used to fly fish Deer Creek for smallmouth a lot, so I imagine they'd be similar. I did really well with size 8 and 10 brown or blood mohair leeches. Once I even caught a 27" walleye on one. A bit of a fluke but cool on a fly. Lately I've been doing well for smallmouth with clouser minnows tied very flashy.
Hey thanks to everyone who replied. I went up a week ago Sunday and though i won't say i slayed them i did catch 3 bass in about 4 hours in the worst time to fish for them the heat of the day. two were caught on a burgundy mohair leach and the other on a stranger. For the size they did put a good fight none over 13 inches.
In the heat I use intermediate or sinking with clousers and streamers and sculpins I prefer darker colors and gray is getting on the lighter side that I like to use.
If I got to beat the water to find the fish I'll use a clouser so I can get down fast and fish it fast...
clousers are the rockstars of flys for smallies flat out..
floating line is for dawn and dusk for smallies..

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