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catch 1, Guntersville, SM, 8/8/09, Alone
Fished upper "G" from 6-8 PM looking for SM throwing Tubes and Senkos. Hooked up with a SM about 2 lbs. and lost him halfway to the boat. Fished a little longer and hooked up with a good fish thinking it might be a SM, but it turned out to be a green fish. Weighed it anyway 6lb. 10 oz. LM. It struck a smoke glitter tube. Too hot to take any pictures. Fished a little longer,and another fish struck 4 lb. 15 oz LM. It hit a 5" Senko rigged Texas style . Threw the Texas rigged Senko a little longer and landed a 2 lb. SM. Not bad for a couple of hours on Saturday.

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