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ODC 420 fish finder rigging - help?
I just got a humminbird 170 for my 420 and I need some direction on rigging the screen up on my tube. If anybody has any advice or pictures I would appreciate the help.

My fish finder on my FC4 is an all together one piece unit. It has a battery box, and everything. The nice thing about this one is I can take it off with two clips and everything is off. Likewise everything is on in seconds.
It is a solid mounting system that won't flop around.
Also with the battery box I don't have a battery or wires using up pocket space.
I do use a bunge off the bottom of the fish finder unit to the bottom of the tube. This keeps it tight and it also keeps it from moving. The transducer tube has threads on it so I can rotate the transducer out of the water when I need to. That is important!
Then there is the picture of my rod holder. Ya it is big but I like it. I made my son one but I used Crosses instead of a corners. His weighs half what mine does. I like them both. Ron
Does that battery box effect you tracking?
No the battery box does not affect the tracking. A full basket of fish DOES! When I drag the fish basket I always do it upside down until I start to put fish in.
On the battery box,the only thing in the water is 1 have inch pipe and the bottom of the baby wipe box skims the water top. Most of the time a guy finds something to change about a mod. I don't want to change anything on this one. Ron
Rightfully so. That is a clean set-up. So the box is floating, that is cool!
This and the ice chest rack show allot of thought. Great job, keep up the good work!
The battery box doesn't float it just skims the top of the water.
My first outing with my new ODC 420, and my new Hummingbird 160 fish finder was yesterday. The fish finder I have came with the frame and the case. It also came with a bracket for suction cup mounting of the sensor.

I temporarily glued a couple of small corner brackets to the top of that to make a "hook". I hooked that around the straps that held the fish finder in its case to my tube. It was easy to slide the bracket down into the water under the tube, or up out of the way to land. The sensor is maybe 6 inches down from the bottom of the tube when in the water.

I'll have to come up with something more permanent than the glue, but it was a successful first experiment for someone who has severe PVC deficit disorder. [laugh]

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