08-29-2009, 09:00 AM
Try as we would we did not have a kicker today and we needed one to get a check. It was the last one they plan to have ever.... emoBawl You guys did a great job this year having them and I truely enjoyed hanging out with you guys and being in your tournament. emoWorthy You know the right way to have one.<br /><br />Beetlespin and I decided to go away from the crowd today and head down river instead of up. Too much drama up river. emoRolleyes We had a plan and stuck to it. Our fish ran small today and most were not keepers. We caught six keepers in all I think but none that great. I can&#39;t say we even had a good one on. Bass came from 10 feet to 28/30 feet. Had a little flurry right at dark but mostly goobers. Seemed most of the guys and gals talked about struggling tonight with not much quality. We culled down to our best three but could only manage 7.52 lbs tonight which was fifth but they only paid three.
Was a nice evening to be out and the water was great. Not much current which might had been what shut the big bite off on us. There were a couple good bags weighed in and one great bag. I am not sure the wieght but it was around 11.5 lbs. emoWorthy I am sure they will post it later.<br /><br />Had a wonderful time and want to thank beetlespin for the ride on his aircraft carrier. His new prop did great and he got it up to 87 MPH before cutting back. Looking forward to the Legends tournament on the 5th, pass the word, open to everyone that would like to fish it. emoThumbsup Jmax