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Hook1, Chick, Bass, 9/24, Jason
I met Jason after work at the Dam and we went to a deep point that I caught some good fish on last Thursday. I also caught 2 good keepers last Saturday in the CFF tx. As soon as we get there I start pulling out my rods and getting my jig and everything else set up. Jason said he got a bite and reeled back to the boat. OK now I'm ready to cast in but I wait to see where he threw into and I see him set the hook and a HUGE smallmouth jumps up just one time. I think he thought it was a drum emoPoke because it was digging so hard. I saw the fish on the jump and I've never seen a drum jump to shake a bait. emoScratch Anyway, the fish was boated and we took a pic but didn't weigh it I think it was 5 or so pounds! If enough of us bug him maybe he'll update his album and share emoPoke. Jason got one more smallie there and they shut down. We moved to a hump near the main channell I was curious if the wind and clouds might have them hitting shad on top. We were right! We must have drifted around on that hump for 3 hours catching fish. Caught lots of nice bass on spoons and topwater and Jason used a swimbait as well. When the schooling would stop and we got board we could always spoon fish and find those little stripes. There must have been thousands of them out there! emoLaugh. We guessed our best 5 around 18.5 or maybe closer to 20. Good productive evening until the sun went down but we enjoyed it. Fish were caught in 7 to 13 FOW and the temps were between 77 and 80 depending on the water depth. Clarity was actually pretty good too emoThumbsup.

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