09-28-2009, 05:23 PM
How do I use my Photo Gallery?
[indent]How to create a new Album
You can create separate albums for different hunting and fishing trips by clicking on [url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/photos/useralbums.php?ppaction=addalbum"][#212126]Create a New Album[/#212126][/url] and uploading photos to them.
how to upload photos to your gallery
[ol][li]Click on your own user name[/li][li]Click on my latest picture or click on view my photo gallery[/li][li]Click on [url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/photos/uploadphoto.php?cat=500"][#212126]Upload Photos[/#212126][/url] [/li][li]Vary much the same as uploading a photo to a post, you can upload 10 photos at a time, "no size limit"[/li][li]The same time you are uploading you can designate which album you want your photos to go.[/li][li]Click upload/submit[/li][li]When the next page opens, scroll down and click process. "At this time you can delete any photos you may have uploaded by accident by un checking the box next to the thumbs on the page before you click process."[/li][/ol]
How to take photos from your album to your post
[ol][li]Right click on your user name then click open in a new window[/li][li]Click on my latest picture or click on view my photo gallery[/li][li]Select the album you want to draw from[/li][li]Select the photo you want to place in your post[/li][li]Right click on the photo you want and click copy[/li][li]Go back to the other window you left open and open the post you want your photo to go in[/li][li]Right click in the edit window and click paste[/li][/ol]
You can copy and paste all the photos in your gallery of what you just uploaded that has to do with your post or copy and paste the lead thumb nail photo to take them directly to your post and replies.
[indent]How to create a new Album
You can create separate albums for different hunting and fishing trips by clicking on [url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/photos/useralbums.php?ppaction=addalbum"][#212126]Create a New Album[/#212126][/url] and uploading photos to them.
how to upload photos to your gallery
[ol][li]Click on your own user name[/li][li]Click on my latest picture or click on view my photo gallery[/li][li]Click on [url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/photos/uploadphoto.php?cat=500"][#212126]Upload Photos[/#212126][/url] [/li][li]Vary much the same as uploading a photo to a post, you can upload 10 photos at a time, "no size limit"[/li][li]The same time you are uploading you can designate which album you want your photos to go.[/li][li]Click upload/submit[/li][li]When the next page opens, scroll down and click process. "At this time you can delete any photos you may have uploaded by accident by un checking the box next to the thumbs on the page before you click process."[/li][/ol]
How to take photos from your album to your post
[ol][li]Right click on your user name then click open in a new window[/li][li]Click on my latest picture or click on view my photo gallery[/li][li]Select the album you want to draw from[/li][li]Select the photo you want to place in your post[/li][li]Right click on the photo you want and click copy[/li][li]Go back to the other window you left open and open the post you want your photo to go in[/li][li]Right click in the edit window and click paste[/li][/ol]
You can copy and paste all the photos in your gallery of what you just uploaded that has to do with your post or copy and paste the lead thumb nail photo to take them directly to your post and replies.