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Hey, I went out fishing today and caught a HUGE kokanee. I got all the measurements and weight after I caught it, and it is just short of the state record!!! The state record is 24.5 inches and 6 pounds 9.5 ounces. Mine was 23 inches and 5.1 pounds. I know I still had a little bit to go, but I have never caught kokanee up until this year which made me pretty excited!
What is even more crazy is as I was catching this guy, a much much BIGGER one swam by!!! It most likely would have been the record??
A picture is attached.
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Very nice... I wish I could find those big guys in Island Park during the ice fishing season. I guess I just need to explore more with the vexilar.
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Thats a sweet fish. Those fish are big up there. Did you see my post? I didn't weigh mine, but now after reading how much yours weighed, I'm pretty sure mine would have been close! Mine taped out at a little more then 24 1/2.
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Hey, yeah I seen it. Yours was big too. There were some HUGE ones up there! As I was catching mine, I seen one that swam by that looked like a real ocean going Salmon. I'm pretty sure it was the state record. It made mine look like a baby.
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Drowning flys,
I don't know where Anderson Ranch is, but you can get them at Ririe (although they are about done spawning now), and on most of the creeks and rivers that flow out of Island Park Res. I've been to both this year and done really well. I don't know what you would use to catch them with on a fly rod, but this year I have done well using silver spinners with red color on them. Nothing else has worked really but that for me. I haven't been snagging them, they have been chasing and hitting them out of aggression. You have to be quick to set the hook.
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Anderson ranch is up towards Boise. And thanks for the info Might be something I will have to look into for next year but i think it would be cool to catch one [cool] I will be on the south fork saturday and Sunday if the fishing is super slow I will have to go look around a little. may have to tie up some kind of super piss them off fly [laugh]
thanks again Josh
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Google up Larry Tullis. He came up with a zooplankton fly.
Regular mohair leech with little globs of paint in the ends of the fibers. I like Purple.
That is what Koke eat although I think any fly in the right spot would work like with any fish.
Match the hatch and that would be "zooplankton" are sooooooo the man. CARP! dude we got to do it!!~!!
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I believe your right about the any fly idea. I have caught just as many on little nymphs as the big stuff.
Do your Carp spots still have them? I want to come down and fish for them but have no idea what is going on down there. Let me know and I'll come down!!