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drumking, chickamauga, crappie, 10/30/09, Hal
<br /> It doesn't matter how much the wind blows. When it is Friday, Hal and I are going to make our appointed rounds and check in on our best friends. We managed to say hello to 46 of them today. Most were keeper sized, and we had 3 or 4 over 13 up to 13.5" long. A couple of spotted bass thrown in and some bluegills that tried to commit suicide. <br /> <br />It was sort of an expensive trip for me today. First of all, my transducer broke off and was banging against the foot of the motor as we were tooling it across the lake. We both looked at each other and said "what was that"? Thinking that it wise to stop and check the motor out, we discovered the broken transducer. That was making all the noise that we were hearing. So, old DK lays down on the back deck to tie the transducer up as best that he could when low and behold, his camera and cellphone slipped out of his pullover jersey and slid down into the splash tray that was full of water. emoBang emoBang They were in the water only about 1 to 2 seconds before the lightning quick reflexes of old DK snatched them out before they could become completely soaked. I don't know yet if they are fried or not. I am drying them out as we write this memo. emoScratch emoProtest <br /> Did I mention the wind? It was a tough day to fish, but we had a good day considering all the bad luck that we had. We used 1/16oz jigheads most of the day except on one particular dock that was out of the wind and there I used 1/32 oz and Hal used 1/16 oz jigs. BG shads, slab slayers, stubby butts were our plastic choices today. Color not really important. They will hit anything most of the time. Fish were deep. We fished blowdowns a little bit, a couple of docks, and bluffs. Caught fish on every type of cover and structure. Now I have to call Eagle and order a new transducer for the brand new 500C fish elite and the brand new gps module. Give me a few more days and I will be marking fish all over the place. emoBigSmile emoGeezer <br /><br />All fish released.

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