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Jmax, Chick, I love this time of year., Bass, 10/30/09, solo
Got over to the lake at four and launched out of wolftever. The lake has really come down and is about five feet low now. I went to where I catch bass schooling this time of year when the water is down and they were there. emoDance First one I had crushed a spook and weighed 3 and a half pounds. emoTongue Proceeded to try different baits but the spook and a small shad crank was the ticket this evening. They kept coming up kind of scattered but they were there. When they crashed the top I put a spook on them. When they went down I cranked the shad bait. Most were running anywhere from 2 to 12 feet. Scattered grass and rock. Water temp was 65 on the surface. I could not get them to hit a worm, spinner bait or trap. Had a great time for two and a half hours. The best five would have broke 15 pounds. I left at six thirty and plan to hit them again in the morning if it is not raining too hard. emoThumbsup Jmax

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