11-02-2009, 10:00 AM
Labman and I met at the Soddy Ramp this morning about 6:45 for a day of Crappie chasing, emoTongue Although the wind made boat handling tuff at times, we fished up and down the lake to end the day at 1:30 with 64 crappie, 2 &#39;gills and 2 spots, emoSmile All in all it was a very good day, emoThumbsup Labman caught a really nice TARP Black Crappie early and I just couldn&#39;t catch up, no TARPs for me today. We caught several 13&#43; inch crappie and only had about half a dozen throwbacks. We didn&#39;t keep any fish today as neither of us wanted to clean fish at the end of the day, emoSmile <br />I had a good day fishing with Labman and we&#39;ll do it again, emoThumbsup <br />Stopped by Soddy Tackle to pick up some BG crystal shad but I guess we&#39;ve been giving that little bait so much credit here lately that they were out of them. Should get another order in by the end of this week, (I hope)<br />Crystal Shad and Patriot both with taillights were the best bait of the day. We fished docks, deep structure, and blow downs in deep water with the bite coming mostly about a 6 or 8 count with both 1/32nd &amp; 1/16th leadheads.<br />Water temp was around 58* in most places