11-17-2009, 10:00 AM
My son was my guide and we made a day of it today fishing for smallmouth bass out of Riverpark from 8:00 til around 4:30. We had a great day catching 14 or 15 smallies, 2 or 3 small spots, one meanmouth (we think), a 6 lb. blue cat, an 11 lb. drum and one redeye. Only 3 or 4 of the smallies were less than 18 in. (size limit). All fish were released. All the smallies in the pictures were between 18.5 and 20.5 in. Our 3 largest weighed 4 lbs. each. The jig and pig worked best in the early morning and after that the spinner bait was the ticket. We fished from Riverpark down past the Olgati Bridge. Almost all the fish were caught along rip-rap. The water was somewhat stained and 57 degrees. The flow was about 90K cfs.<br /><br />We ran into JDK and Larry (Old man 101) and tied up to a dock downtown and enjoyed lunch and conversation together.