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fishinvol, Carters, Spotted Bass, 12-12-09, Blake Payne
Well after the last tournament I fished on Carters ( without LB ) , I was probably called some pretty choices names by my friends when I signed up for this tournament considering I didn't even catch a bass in that tournament. But...I told myself it's for charity so it's all good . I had a game plan and for the most part stuck to it. After last weekend ( when Louie and I had 19+lbs) I new the fish would be biting with the condition. Our first stop yielded 3 solid keepers and a few more good bites. From then on it was hit or miss , but by 10:30 we had a limit with 2 twelve inchers. By 11:30 we had culled one of the twelve inchers with a 3lber, so we had a little under 3 hours to cull a 12 incher. No problem is what i was thinking. At this point I had visions of 15lbs dancing in my head emoDance . Needless to say we never got another bite emoBawl , but it wasn't from a lack of trying ! We ended with 12.70 lbs and I think 11th ( I'll take it !!) Regardless I had a great time and a great partner ! Carters lake is becoming my new home away from home this winter, it is a special lake that people in our are need to take advantage of and give it a try. It can be tough as nails, but it can give you a trophy just as fast ! Oh, all our fish were caught on silver buddies and shakey heads, never needed to throw anything else.

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