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Gunsmith question / Ice fishing secret
I have two shotguns that I would like to have the stocks refinished and the barrels reblued. One also gets stuck slightly when I load the first shell. Does anyone know of a good Gunsmith that they could recommend. I live in Murray.

For the advice, I'll give a little ice fishing tip. Radical Glow has tube jigs that come with two hooks and the leader already attached. They come in many colors and are deadly with a meal worm on one hook and a drop of powerbait on the other. My buddies hate them if you know what I mean.......

Thanks in advance!!!
Several years ago I got my dads old 0/6 rifle and it was really scratched up, they had a gun stock refinish kit in one of the sporting good stores so I bought one. It came with sandpaper,stain and stock varnish all in the box. It was acually quite fun doing and it turned out looking like a new gun, I think you can even get the blueing for them but not sure, might save you some bucks!
Try Nightowl's Gunsmithing. 2298 West Zions Dr. (5430 So.) 801-964-6846. Ray Federico. He did a great job installing a custom muzzle brake on my .300 Ultra.

Ice Fishin, tip: If your boots aint worth a hoot nor will your fishin trip. Whether I wear em or not, I always have my 100 below rated Sorels with me.

Pray for Susan and family!
Back in the day I used to work at Doug's Shoot n Sports. We would send most of the repairs to Ray, owner of Nightowls Gunsmithing. He is really good with most guns and he has good bluing tanks.
Nightowls Gunsmithing
2298 W Zions Drive
Kearns UT 84118
He is reasonable and does good work. I still use him.
[quote For the advice, I'll give a little ice fishing tip. Radical Glow has tube jigs that come with two hooks and the leader already attached. They come in many colors and are deadly with a meal worm on one hook and a drop of powerbait on the other. My buddies hate them if you know what I mean....... [/quote]

Oh no the secret is out !! now all the little fishies will be gone.. [sly][sly][sly]
Just having fun.. thanks ...
Pack it in
Two people with the same recommendation, I'll call today.

Thanks Basshole40 and Jonesnforfish.

Have a safe New Year!!!

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