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Fishing on Catalina...
Hey Guys...

I'm going on high adventure camping trip with some guys in my scout troop (16-18yr olds) to Catalina Island. Since I'm the big fisherman of the group, they've put me in charge of telling them what they need to bring for fishing. I was just wondering if you guys could help me out and tell me what I'm going to need as far as tackle, bait, lures, etc...we'll probably mainly fish from shore, but will have a couple of zodiacs to fish out of every once in a while. I want to get all of the info that I can from you guys on fishing at Catalina. They're plannin' on bringin' in fish to eat, so let me know what's gonna get us into some tasty treats. We'll be there from July 28 - August 2. Thanks guys!
Wow, was just reading some of the reports on the site here, and saw some of them big ol' White Sea Bass. What would it take to put me on one of those bad boys and is it possible from shore and/or a zodiac? LoL!
Hey kid: The white sea bass are on a rampage now. You can always catch calico bass or sargo and yellowfin croaker from the beach. Take along some squid and some heavy tackle and try it. If you can find an area of the beach that's kind of flat with no major boulders and green water cast a squid no more than 30 feet out If your camp is near Parsons Landing there is a great sea bass spot out in front. The sea bass pictured on the boards were hooked in that spot in less than 2 feet of water. PS Four hookups were lost by fish of great poundage.Your reel should be spooled with #30 pound mono and a capacity of at least 300 yards and still you might be spooled. Also by casting small pieces of squid on tandom set-ups you will catch all kinds of critters. PS The reason I mention Parsons is that there is a camping area there and you might be going in that direction. Good luck
Hey George...

Thanks for the info...I was plannin' on basically just bringing my "flippin' stick" that I use for freshwater black bass fishing. It's a 7' Heavy action rod, and I've currently got it loaded up with 65lb test braided fishing line right now. Will the braid work...or am I better off getting 30lb mono? So the WSB will hit squid too right? What size/type and size of weights should I use, and how exactly should I rig my line (how do I rig up this "tandem set-up? LoL) Sorry for so many questions...but I'm more of a freshwater bass fisherman with limited saltwaters experience. I've gone out in the SF bay a few times on party boats for rockfish, ling cod, halibut, etc...and did pretty good, but haven't done anything on my own. [Smile] Thanks guys!
YES YES YES YES YES!!! the squid will work GREAT for the sea bass. and the braid should work fine.

Kid: A tandom set-up is 2 hooks above a sinker as they are used in the surf. It sounds like your outfit might be OK for strength but a little short for casting from the beach. When we fish the sea bass up close there is usually a ripping current which causes the water to turn that green color. We always start flyline and add white leadheads as needed to keep the bait down. I think it's really important that the squid bait drifts along to a point where you have to reel in and cast again. All my sea bass rods are 9 feet long and all fishing is done from a boat so I really can't give good advice about fishing from the beach. Just remember though, the great big old bass are most always caught in that shallow beach area with a ripping current. But to catch all the other stuff get a surf hook set up and cast bits of squid and you will murder the bass and croaker. One of my lifelong pursuits is to get up in those Catalina beaches with a float tube and hook a 50 pounder and ride him out instead of getting spooled as so often happens.In conclusion try to fit your tactics to what the bass want. They want bait drifting naturaly in the current so try to somehow copy the situation.
I want to catch a thresher in my tube and let him pull me around!!! [cool] That would be soooo much fun!!

Hey George...

Sweet...thanks for the great info! I think I'm ready and set to go rip some lips down at Catalina! I'll make sure to report and post pics when I get back. Thanks guys!!

Hi there SturgeonKid,

What area of the island are you going to? I noticed a lot of nice beaches on the inside near two harbors. I think I saw some boy scouts camped on the beach and a couple of small inflatable there a month or so ago.

As gvanzant said, there should be some nice fishing for all kinds of fishies. Those smaller guys are usually willing biters too. Don't forget that there are opaleye there too that just love green peas. I assume that most of the people wanting to fish are just looking for a simple bite.

I heard scouts had a fishing merit badge. I was thinking of taking the bus from Avalon to the two harbor bay camping ground on the inside but as there is no water there I'd have to pack a lot to stay a couple of days. I heard it can get really hot down by the beach with steep slopes at your back.

Hope you have a chance to take some light tackle gear with 10 or 12lb line and a bunch of plastics.

Hey JapanRon...

Well, I'm not exactly sure where on the island we're staying, but the campgrounds we're staying at have got plenty of water, so it must not be where you're thinking of. LoL. And ya, there's a fishing merritt badge, but most of the guys have already gotten that...and this isn't going to be much of a scouting trip at all. Basically we're just going on a camping trip to have some fun, do some fishing, scuba diving, and we mainly plan on feasting like kings. LoL. We've got an amazing menu planned, and the food could quite possibly be the highlight of our trip. Har Har [Smile]

But ya, don't worry, I plan on taking a bunch of my bassin' gear (not only my flippin' stick with 65lb braid), but some lighter rods and gear with 12-20lb line for messin around with them calicos. And believe me...PLENTY of plastics...har har

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