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[cool][#0000ff]For some reason, BFT has a "reputation" among other forums as being a "Hot spotting" forum. I have been here for a LOOOOOONG time, and I can recall very few reports in which a member gave a complete download on a small vulnerable water that could not sustain a lot of pressure. That is my definition of hot spotting. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]On the other hand, our "average" report is made about well known larger waters that can sustain plenty of action and have good populations of fish. What's more, a lot of the species being targeted are non-trout species...and those who slam us for hot spotting are generally more trout oriented. Whazzup widdat?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As a forum, we have always advocated making detailed reports, with photos, but leaving out anything that might be construed as "sensitive" information. Most of our reports are generalized by location rather than specific GPS waypoints. What's the harm in that. And, we have plenty of reports in which the name of the water is even withheld from the report.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My personal belief is that it is good to provide real info on spots that are producing good action on species like catfish, white bass, perch, crappie, bluegills, etc. These are the spots that you want to take the family for some action. On the other hand, if it is a small spot on a larger water, that you do not want to divulge to others, you are well within your rights to keep it to yourself.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Since this is a current topic of discussion on a couple of other threads, how about some input from others. We are NOT going to establish firm rules on how to make reports, but what are your feelings on what makes a good report, without overstepping the protocol for HOT SPOTTING?[/#0000ff]
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When I post a report, I am sensitive to the water. For example, I mostly fish the Uintas where a small lake could suffer if it is slammed with pressure because of a 'Hot Spot'. In that case I generally speak of an area, like 'around Trial Lake'. But with the DWR dropping truck loads of planters into Mirror Lake, I don't see the need to keep that one secret. The same goes for other places like Strawberry.
I think a lot of people are good about that so I don't feel that there has been a problem even though I think there is the potential.
You could label a lot of other things as hot spotting. Go into Sportsman's and you see a fishing report board. There is one in the Walmart close to my house. FishTech has one. And so on, and so on... Also, I think we should not let our heads get too big. There are a lot of people out there fishing that have never even heard of BFT.
Oh yeah, and for all you global warming believers. Just think how green we are by preventing the waste of CO2 spent on fruitless outings.... [  ]
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I think hot spotting is a term used by selfish anglers that dont want anybody fishing where they fish, no matter where they are. For the most part I think it is because so many people have had the experience of some sort or another, their fishing day getting ruined because of how inconsiderate other people are. Then they come to the conclusion that "other people" means a less enjoyable fishing day for me. wether its some jerk coming too close to your boat and crossing lines with ya, or its some jerk in a boat cruising too close to shore while your shore fishing, or its having some ones dog jumping into the water right out in front of you while your fishing from shore, or someone who cant keep there kids in some sort of polite manor, or the whole river fishing educate that rarely is applied. I could go on for ever on why it makes sense that an angler would not want to fish around a bunch of people. It doesnt make sense to me that so many people think that it is because of a fishing forum that all those rude people show up to the hot spotted places. Those people or their families have been going their for a hundred years. Before the internet they went there too and did all the same inconsiderate things. Bad habits are hard to break. I have found that for the most part the BFT members are the polite ones, the ones that you meet and are friendly and considerate, willing to help. That is why I dont mind hot spotting. It might just mean that I will have more considerate people fishing around me, not just the crazies that dont even want anybody else to catch a fish, and leave a bunch of trash for me to pick up.
I also think the more people fishing in an area and helping each other out will only help dial in on what the bite is doing. Then everybody catches more fish.[fishon]
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First off, I am a fly fisherman---fly fisherman I believe are more sensitive to "hot spotting". Second, I agree with your "hot spotting" definition. Third, the members of this forum are very generous with information. Flygoddess is very helpful ---as well as others.This makes for a very enjoyable forum--experienced fisherman willing to help out the new fisherman. There is another forum which is very sensitive to any fishing reports---so be it. The members of this forum are just good people trying to help others enjoy fishing as much as themselves.
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HOT SPOTTING!?!?!! Really?? Is that what this has come down to. One person spreading a rumor that BFT is a HOT SPOTTING forum?? HOLY @#^$% *&^%$ (^$#* &&*(^%&&(%$#!!!!!!! And turst me that is only a few of the choice words I have. Lets not let this get out of hand, who gives a *^$% what the other forums are saying!!??!! They are jealous that we can hold our own on the net while they are slowly falling off the charts.
Matador, thank you for pointing out the "report boards" at Sportsmans and Cabelas and almost every other place in the state. If Hot Spotting is such a problem then make those boards come down first, then also tell ALL the game wardens I talk to all the time to stop telling me where to go and fish cause the bite is on there. AND they give the exact spots and what to use. And you want to know why??? ANYONE!!!!????!! I'll tell you why, because they are dependent on sportsmen in and out of this state to keep their jobs. We sportsmen actually help them, revenue, licenses, state park fees, boat fees, ect.... So please for all its worth keep up the Hot Spotting [#ff4040](if you chose to call sharing info so that a family can have a good day on the water that) [/#ff4040][#000000]that way no one can decide what we as sportsmen do or say to each other. STOP WORRYING ABOUT WHAT OTHER IDIOTS SAY. [/#000000]
We on this web site have done nothing wrong at all and if you find someone that says that we have then give them my forum name and I will give them my name, address and phone number and I'll talk to them in person. [mad]
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I never said it was another forum that was badmouthing BFT. It is fishermen that I have talked to while fishing. I will give them your name and number if you want me to though. YOU might need a different calling plan cause it happens often enough that you might have a lot of "talking to them in person to do"[  ]
I cant really see where you stand, are you against people who post up reports?
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Hi Pat...I got to answer on this one. I agree totally with Matador and Brown Trout.
I am a fly fisher (I know...duh[laugh]) But it is not just trout.
Fishing is getting more and more popular, and Combat fishing is happening more and more.
I am not going to get into name calling or stereo typing, but I can tell you, I am not selfish.
BUT! when I have a really sweet place and I am doing very well, I want to be able to go back days later and have the same situation. I am will to take someone or share with one on one interested parties. I will even give what is working just like you Pat.
You invite people to come along and take very good care of them while there. I don't recall you every Hot Spotting (by Hot Spotting I mean small lakes or waters that can't take the pressure).
But I am betting even you get a little frustrated when you have a killer day on a water only to have someone come in and crowd you. And generally because they see you are into the fish.....same thing with on line Hot Spotting.
HS and Helping really are two different things. There is a way to do one without doing the other.
It is true that BFT is very small in the whole picture and I would say that the majority HERE try their best not to HS.
It's a new year and anything can happen...right?[cool]
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FOD, no it was not you at all, the very first post on this subject stated "other forums". I actually was not responding to you at all.
I am simply mad that one person can cause this much trouble for what in my opinion is a perfectly good website. no changes needed, I like giving reports and seeing how others are doing.
As for the calling plan, don't worry, unlimited nation wide to any phone. BUT thanks for the concern.
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Agreed, it isn't just one person...I visit allot of other forums and it has been mentioned there and I am not talking about Utah forums although there is a few there.[  ]
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My honest opinion is that it is good to give information on the correct lure and presentation and let people discern location for themselves. It has a two fold benefit. If I give a great presentation with a proven record of success to others and they report their findings it gives me intel on spots I may not have otherwise considered to hold concentrations of fish during different seasons. The other benefit is that it teaches people how to locate different species and understand their preferences which is key to being successful. I know that dummies looking for some action without effort nose in on hot spots when they see someone having success but if someone finds me out on the water because they used their noggen, then I have met a person that loves the sport as much as I do. This kind of person is, likely, very respectful of the rules because they understand that if everyone knew what they did then fishing would suck everywhere. You don't feel compelled to keep fish for bragging rights when you have days topping 300. The first thought in my mind is conservation. I even let the humongous crappie go to keep their genetics in the water.
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10% of the fisherman catch 90% of the fish, everyone else is jealous. Sharing information is one way to improve EVERYONE's ability. I would dare say that may readers of this board have greatly benefited from TD's detailed reports on the way he fishes. Keep up the good work everyone and ignore the small minds.
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I'll second the therapist on TD's contribution.
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HOT[:p] SPOTTING? I think that might have something to do with the other thing I like ALOMOST as much as fihing[  ]....... But people cry too much they think they own the lakes? Maybe they fish it more? I guess if thats the case you own a couple huh. CRYBABIES!!
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I agree a lot with what Pat is saying. A lot of places can handle the problem with that.
But I also think Joni hit it right on the head. These days it's more and more about 'combat fishing'. Case in point: Two winters ago I had a most fantastic day at one of my favorite areas and was excited enough to post it on here with most of the details. I even got a PM from a couple fishermen and I kindly helped them out giving them the particulars. So what happens? I go back to 'my spot' and see swarms of folks thoroughly enjoying the info I provided and in fact, they enjoyed it so much that they told their friends, etc etc...and 'my spot' was never 'that great' again. Life goes on. But guess what- never again will I divulge all the details on a public forum or to drive-by PM'ers. Lesson learned.
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I am a member of several of the Utah fishing forums, and my observaions is that BFT is more of a hot spotting forum than the others. This could be because there are more members, lurkers have free access to all the reports or because this is more of a family site with people who want to share info to help other families.
In general, I don't have a problem helping contributing members go catch fish with their families, especially if they are ethical fihermen who will do their best to protect the fishery with the help they get (catch and release if needed, catch and kill if needed, not litter, etc).
I do have a problem with posting very specific information about ANY specific location (that is not well known) on most waters for everyone, lurker and member, to read. This includes Utah Lake, Strawberry, etc. Even though these lakes are big, certain areas are very unique and unknown. Divulging these spots may ruin certain areas, not only for the poster, but for families who enjoyed their secret place for generations.
And why should we feel the duty to make sure every angler has great success without doing the work at our expense? I don't call this selfish. I think putting in the work to find these "secret places" results in these secret places being treated with respect. Just giving away detailed information on secret waters or locations, allows anglers who dont do the work and who are looking to fill coolers the opportunity to destroy a fishery.
I have 2 or 3 fishing buddies with whom we openly share just about all our secrets because we trust each other after fishing together for a while to do what is best with the fisheries. I will also post semi-detailed reports about places like DC, the nelle, the berry, UL, etc. If I get PM's asking for more information, I almost always give it. But places like Boulder Mountain and any other small lake within 4 hours of SLC, I will only share info with those whom I trust or who have helped me with PM's or phone calls.
Birch Creek fell under this category but a few anglers made it their business to make that lake as public and as visible as possible. I have a few other lakes that are producing 22-26" tigers consistently during soft water and I have decided not to even post pictures as I am afraid these lakes will turn into another Birch Creek (although Birch Creek is surprisingly still fishing very well).
When the big tigers really came on at Scofield this fall, I gave a general report and then answered several PM with specifics. If there was a confidential section which required 100 posts and a year as a member, I would post more often and more details. The truth is, fishing is becoming more popular and the opinion that you have to keep what you catch is also still prevalant. I have nothing with keeping a good eating fish (14-20" trout for the most part) but I have an issue with keeping larger trout than that unless it is going on the wall.
Bottom line, I prefer posters:
1. Large, popular waters or locations - name the water or location and give details how you caught the fish but don't post specific locations in the general forum. If someone really wants to know, then do it through PM and that requires that they be a contributing member.
2. Small, less well-known waters - post a general area if you must (Boulder Mountain, South Central Utah) and maybe some pictures without background and explain what you used but no details.
3. Amazing fisheries that are not known by hardly anyone - don't post. Maybe a picture without background if you want to brag (which I have done and I enjoy just seeing pictures of trophy fish without details - better than nothing). And only share this lake with your closest fishing buddies. There are too many meat hunters and casual (wealthy) fishermen who will destroy the fishery if word gets out.
I know helping families have fin fishing is great but can lead to ruining fisheries that other families enjoyed for generations. There is a fine line and every posters needs to take hot spotting int oconsideration when posting. But keep the general reports of the popular spots coming and then be prudent in the details you give through PM's. Amen.
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I don't see very much hot spotting here. I think its nice to share information. But I think its important to gauge the amount of detail in the information when posting on certain waters. You don't need to post GPS coordinates, exact jig color or size, etc. But some general locations on a lake and general type of baits/jigs etc never hurt anyone.
If your post indicated you had a successful day then you will surely receive PM's with additional questions. I personally look at who is asking the additional questions before replying to their PM. I have built many relationships with fellow anglers on this board over the last 5 years and to those people I will share all the important details. To the "drive by" poster or a newby that has not yet shown any longevity or contribution to the board I will maybe share a little more info but not much. Sorry to all the newby's . Hang around for awhile and contribute and you will find that you can get way more out of this board through PM's than you ever can on the main board.
I don't think we have a hot spotting problem here. No format change is needed. Everyone just needs to continue to use discretion when posting. But please keep posting! And include pictures! Its keeps the rest of us sane while at work while you fish!!!!
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I'll put in my 2 cents. I like this forum because of the help that people give. Most of which is in the form of PM's.I really haven't followed it since ice-fishing has started but during the non ice season for the most part people do not give the exact spot of where they got into the fish.
Holly and I have commented to ourselves of how people on this forum Do Not give away locations.
If there is talk of changing the forum, my vote would be to leave it as is.
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I think this site have been helpful to a new fisherman like me. I don't think anyone gives out specifics to just anyone. I think for the most part people just give out some basic stuff. I have been for only 6 months. I have enjoyed the site so much that I actually got a couple of my friends to join. It has been nice to get updates of general place on a more regular place. I do understand that people don't want to give out their special spots, jigs, lures, or colors that their are usually and I respect that. So all in all I think it is dumb people think this site is known for hot spotting. That is just my two cents.
Thanks for listening
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Hot spotting a good ice fishing area on BFT works well for me... when I show up there to fish I am surrounded by a bunch of BFT friends. Ever notice when you go out on the ice and mention BFT and their a BFT'R...your instant friends.
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heres a little piece of advice i learned over the got to bbe carefull on locations ice fishing...anybody can show up at the lake and just look for the large group of guys and walk right to them..ive seen up to 200 guys in a 200 foot area at one time..just becouse the lake wes said to be producing..just be carefull..this isnt summertime were they goto get to you by boat and guess were your at..