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Fishlake 1/1-1/2-10
Hit Fishlake for 2 days, Friday got to the lake about 8am fished just north of lakeside marina fished in 60ft splake and bows were passing thru about 20-25ft,fishing was red hot until the "crowds" arived.

Its amazing how there are miles of weedline and people think they need to park right on top of you (20 ft from me),I must be getting old and onry.To top it off I am sitting there listiing them yelling driving there beater snowmobile (that needs a pipe job) around and around and they complain the fishing is way slow.Can I say this If you want to snowmoblie becasue the fishing is slow take your machine away from the fishing areas and dont make the rest of us half to listen to your machine and scaring the fish.Despite all of that I had a pretty good day landed over 75+ for the day.Mostly splake 15-17" and a dozen nice bows.Also mixed in were a few pup macks.

Day 2
Fished in the exact same spot got set up by 7am fishing was red hot agian,catching one every 20 secs for the first 90 mins.I was fishing with to poles and caught 4 fish at one point at the same time then I decided to fish one pole on the bottom for macks cause i couldnt keep up with the fish biting.There were less people than friday (well at least around me) I didnt have anyoe near me until 1pm then the fish just locked there mouths.The wind was gusting pretty bad then it would be calm for a min or 2 this was most of the day.Despite the gusts it was pretty warm.
I have to share this event that happend,I took 3 poles with me,I had just had a fish broke my jig off so I put my backup pole back in the hole as i tied a ew jig on my other pole within a mon or 2 I hear this crash and turned and watch my pole filp and go straight down my hole,I never had a chance to grab it.I had never lost a pole fishing so this was a first for me I was a little stunned and would have loved to seen that fish.Well I got my other pole fixed and put it back down my hole that i just lost my pole in,15 mins or so go bye and I decided to check my mack pole wich was to the right of me about 8 feet.I lifted my jig and felt a strike and I set the hook as I was reeling it up it was just hanging so I was thinking it was a mack it get it up and i looked thru the ice hole and it wasnt a mack but my pole that I had lost 20mins earlier..I just started to laugh and couldnt belive I got my pole back this was unreal.What are the odds of that especialy in 60ft of water.

Anyway what a great trip love that lake down there its a special place to me down there tons of family memories and I just added another one to them ended up catching over 150+ for the trip.Here are a few pics.
Looks like a great trip.
We had a great trip to Fish Lake ourselves on the 2nd. I desperately needed to get the skunk off from Panguitch Lake the day before. Fish Lake definetly provided the cure. We fished the south end in about 23' of water and had non stop action for splake and perch. The fish definetly seemed to prefer small baits. Ice flies tipped with night crawlers or meal worms worked well. The wind was a beast. I watched one of the mini twisters do a number on one of the six man huts. Can't wait to get back.
Thanks for the report. I will be down there next weekend and will probably hit it on Saturday. Awesome stroy about getting you pole back.

What was the size of your biggest splake, bows, and macks and where were you fishing? I usually fish the south west side but am curious as how to other areas fish.
looks like it was a beautiful day and the fish are healthy and fat!!
Very very nice day fishing. I heard that Fish lake is fishing hot this year from everyone I talk to. I wish my wife would let me get that far from the house for a day, glad to see that others are into em.
well you did a lot better then we did on sunday.. i had the worst day i have ever had at fish lake yesterday.. we got there about 8:30 allready lot's out on the ice.. got to the area to fish lot of splake up high to start with. caught some right off then it just went dead.. the rest of the day was a wash out.. lot of fish chaceing the jig's but not takeing it.. packed it up at 4:00 and headed home.. [:/]
Sounds like a great day. Wishing that I would have headed down there Saturday instead of Strawberry. Was there a fish on the rod that you got back, and if so how large was it?
The fish was long gone that took my rod in,I wish I could have seen it though,it could have been a nice bow or a 10 inch I was just shocked I got it back what are the odds of recovering a rod in 60ft of water thru the ice??? Maybe I should go play Megabucks in vegas while I have some luck!
I got a funny add on to this lost pole story! About 5-6 years ago we were perch fishing at pineview. A good friend of mine mike had wandered over to my hole to shoot the crap during a slow period about 5 minutes later we heard a sound looked towards his hole just in time to see his pole shoot like a rocket down the hole!!! Well about 45 mins later a guy to the south of us hooks up with a big fish mind you he's at least 55-65 yards from us he battles the big fish on 4 pound test for about a hour we thought he had hooked a big carp or something. The whole time he fighting the fish my buddy mike is saying that that guys fish had taken his pole over and over. Well the guy finally gets the fish up and starts screaming Muskie!!! And that he needed help I go over and he's got two holes drilled the head of the fish is in one the tail in the other and there about 50inches apart. He could not get the head started threw the whole as my buddy is still screaming about how this mans fish had taken his pole I look at the head and there is line wrapped around and around the jaw of the fish I reach in grab ahold of the line feel the weight of his pole on the other end start pulling the lost pole of my friend in handing him the line I break it off at the fish thus letting this mans jig to come flying up threw ghe hole. This fish had taken my friends pole in and his jig was in the mouth of the Muskie then had gotten the line twisted around his head into knotts wich this other man had managed to hook so when I cut the line the guys jig came free and the fish swimmed off!! Just had to listen to my friend tell the story how he caught a 50" Muskie lost his pole got it back and knew he was gonna the whole time??? Crazy day on the water don't think I could make up a story that good if I tried.
That is crazy its really hard to belive storys like that if your not there but i guess anything can happen when your out fishing. Its funny when my pole went down I thought to myself just reel in the other pole(mack pole) that had a bigger jig on to see if i could snag it from the bottom but then thought about the odds of getting it back were agianst me so i didn't even try but i had it in the back of my mind i might snag it at some point but never got my hopes up.

I was telling my dad this story and he told me one year my grandpa was trolling for macks down there with a paddle board and copper line and snagged a flashlight from the bottom and it was still on and working..crazy!!
I have lost a couple rods through the ice. One we "caught" later, the other was never seen again. Now I tie one end of a light piece of rope to the rod handle and the other to something large like a bucket. If I hadn't done it rod number three would have gone to the bottom of Fish Lake last Saturday.

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