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Anyone ever catch small/large mouth through the ice?
My goal for this winter is to catch a smallmouth or largemouth bass through the ice. Has anyone done this recently in Utah? Any tips or advice you can offer would be appreciated.
In Colorado we used to nail em thru the ice. They would hit anything, any color. I cant imagine that the fish here in Utah (if you can find them) would be all that different. We have done ok on them in the summer in Utah Lake, but I don't know much beyond that.
I caught an 8'' largemouth today at utah lake. had two hooks on and caught it double with a small perch
Happens frequently at Pelican and Mantua. Both Tincanfsh and I caught one at Holmes Creek recently.
My mom caught a smallmouth at Rockport a few years back. We were fishing by the dam for perch and happened to catch it. Totally random. My group and I have also caught LMB at mantua through the ice.
Cowboy Up!
I've hooked largemouth through the ice a few times, but never on purpose. I always go after pan fish or trout because they provide some reliable fishing even when they are half frozen. The key for largemouth, even under the ice, is distinct structure and cover. Never tried for smallies in the winter but imagine they hang out wherever you can find small perch.
[quote fishguru73]I've hooked largemouth through the ice a few times, but never on purpose. I always go after pan fish or trout because they provide some reliable fishing even when they are half frozen. The key for largemouth, even under the ice, is distinct structure and cover. Never tried for smallies in the winter but imagine they hang out wherever you can find small perch.[/quote]

This is true for Mantua.
Fish for the LMB where the weed line is. You will find them in water as shallow as 8'.
You will have to wade through the perch and bluegill to get to them though.
Use the same jigs that you use for perch.
yes utah lake kinda often on the large mouth. I got sevrel a few seasons ago. almost one or two a trip and I was going 2-4 times a week.
as said find structure.
I've caught several big smallmouth at Pineview fishing for crappies & perch. Problem is they come from 25+' and releasing them alive hasn't always worked. If you target them and intend to release, then being prepared to deal with the air bladder is a good idea. Or you can search water less the 25-30' deep. A web search will reveal the air bladder deflation process. In-fishermen also had a good article on ice fishing for smallmouth last year that talked about managing deep caught fish.

The other issue is that most of the smallies I've caught at Pineview came from an area now illegal to fish. I'm sure there are other areas of the lake that can be productive.
i caught one small largemouth bass last weekend at holmes creek just using a paddlebug and fish just like normal, nothin special.
The last two years I caught a large mouth almost every time I went to Mantua, but this year I have been three times and haven't caught a single one yet.
here is a largemouth that was caught at jordanelle in the rockcliff arm of the lake.

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