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Weber Thurs
Left work early today and hit the Weber around taggarts. It was pretty slow - in 4 hours only 6 fish. Three were 12-14 inch browns and one 13 inch white fish. Did get a decent 19 inch brown that was in good shape. All fish are still swiming. Last year at this time I could see the whitefish in the pools and shallow riffles. I saw very few this time out. Has anybody else noticed a lack of whities.
they are there. i noticed that i cant see them any more but that might be because im not looking for them lol... they are thick in that area
what did u catch them on? im goin saturday and i never been to that area before. i fished between rockport and echo alot.
i get mine on mostly 22 green copper johns. but if you are streamer fishing chances are youll hook into the back of one doing it that way. they fight like a mad man foul hooked, and they fight like a mad man lip hooked.... for about 4 or 5 seconds.
sorry! thought that reply was for me!
its ok thanks for any info. i know what its like to hook them in the tail. i did that to a 20 inch brown but it wasnt in the tail but my fly some how got in it butt hole.( sry i know its kinda sick sounding but was funny though)
I was using a size 16 PT followed by a size 20 flashback scud. Largest brown was on the PT. The lone whitie and one of the small browns was on the scud. I thought I might have to change the scud out because of too many whitie's but that never became an issue. Last year I had difficulties getting to the trout because of the whitefish - not this year. Not sure what I am doing different but I am not catching as many or seeing them.
I ran into a couple older guys on weeb not to long ago both really seemed to know there stuff but while BS'ing the one guy did say DNR or DWR came through shocked the river and a huge carp was found ect ect .. but all my ears heard were "shocked the river" maybe there thinning the white heards ???
Interesting! But don't be talkin' Carp, cause I will have to be all over that[laugh][laugh]
I've seen several carp in a specific part of the weber nearly every time i fish it. They are there for sure! few and far between (i hope), but they are there.
I was out by Taggarts a couple weeks ago I went up from the railroad bridge and around the corner, there is a deep hole there tha usually hold a ton of whiteys. When I got there I seen blood all over the snow, like someone had cut their self pretty bad, they left their spinning reel casted out and vamoosed. I got looking at the blood closer and seen scales, whitey scales, it was a pretty heavy rod, so I got thinking I wonder if they were snagging the fish. I reeled in the rod and sure enough a big treble hook with a couple of sinkers clipped on next to it, classic snagging set up. I fished for a bit and got nothing, I "Accidentally" stepped on the reel as I left.
they saw you comming.... FG and i (not together) have both spooked those folks... im thinking its the same group of people all the time
Right On Orvy!!!!
Nice One Orvy. Glad to hear you accidentlly [Wink] stepped on his reel too bad you couldnt have accidently stepped on his face [laugh]
That would have been nice.The weird thing is I felt like I was being watched the whole time. I should have just taken the rod and reel, but I'm no thief, unlike the clown doing the snagging, besides it was one of those big broomstick type rods.
Well... I should recant my post Im not trying to advocate any violence but man those guys piss me off. ( still happy you stepped on his reel [Smile] )

He was probably hiding in the bushes somewere I would imagine he wanted his fishing stuff back. Use to be Morgan County Sheriffs use to patrol that area pretty good wonder with budget cuts all over there not able to get up there as much.
I found a bunch of mary-j that had been harvested, just the stems and a few leaves left floating in the river by Mtn Green once and called but never heard anything.
Did you HARVEST any...LOL[Wink][cool]
not me Smile
DAM! Oh I mean DAMN...[sly]

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