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Deer Creek Saturday 1/6/10
Wow, were do I start, we hit Charleston Bay at 7:45 not in to big of rush to get on the ice, as we pulled into the p,arking lot I should have just turned around and headed home. It was like Downtown Salt Lake City. But we were there so out we went, people were stacked along the channel as far out as you could see. groups of fishermen setting up within 10-15 feet of each other. We elected to head north and out about 2000 yds, away from poeple as much as we could. poped a few holes, 12' of water, 15 inches of ice. I drop down the camera and then the poles. we fished for 1 hr with no hits, no fish on the camera. No fish in the column on the sonar. Moved to another spot, another hour, no fish. Moved again, and found a spot with some vegitation on the bottom. Watch the 2-3" perch play around on my camera for awhile with no trout in site, Finally about 11:00 2 fish came into view of the camera, one sniffed my jig, played with it for just a few minutes and off he went. Basically a snub. Decided we had enough and packed everything up. We walked back through the "CROWD" and watch a few guys pull in a few fish, Got back to the truck and accepted the old skunkaroo!! Interesting enough there was a couple of guys that was also sick of the crowd and drilled some holes 20 feet of the bank by the parking lot, they were actually catching fish there, who'd of thought. Next trip will be middle of the week, and the channel, It totally reminded me of the last Sulferdale Fishing derby with so many guys on the ice there wasn't much room to fish.
Sorry to here your luck. But dont worry we went to 2 lakes today and did not get a fish.... Or a bite!

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