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mill pond question
was thinking about taking my nephews to mill pond in Horseshoe bend. Does anybody know if they have stocked it recently. Never fished there but i've been told it is a great place for kids. any info would be appreciated.
Yes; it was just recently stocked. With 500 rainbows, if I recall. I, too, was thinking about heading up there. The last time we fished up there, a little worm and a 'mallow worked well. Hope the little ones hook into a few. Mike
thanks for the info
No problem. The last time we were there, the only ones catching fish were two river otters. Man, did they put down some trout! It was most entertaining. Mike

From F & G website:

Horseshoe Bend Pond ---
01/27/10 Triploid Troutlodge Kamloop Catchable (6 Inches+) 1,131

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