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Wade lake Montana Report
One of my neighbors had not been ice fishing before and it so happens that he had a snowmobile....boy did I have a deal for him.[Wink]

We left Rexburg at about 4:30 AM and arrived at the trail to Wade Lake around 6:45. The eight mile ride into the lake was beautiful and relatively uneventful. The wind had blown the trail shut in a few places but we plowed through ok. My neighbor was a little unsure about driving the snowmobile on the ice especially since he could see the open water where springs run into the lake. I tested the ice to show him that the ice was around 20" thick and nothing to be worried about. We stopped well before the danger zone and pulled our ice sled a little closer to the springs testing the ice depth every few feet.

The fish were hanging near the bottom in 39 feet of water. The morning started off red hot. We missed a ton of bites and then as we got the feel for them we started to reel them in. By time we left the lake around 5:30PM we had landed and released 55 rainbows between 15-19". Paddle bugs tipped with nightcrawlers or mealworms were on the menu. It didn't really seem to matter what color.

We didn't catch any giants but the rainbows fought really hard. Why do we like cutts so much?[crazy] We didn't find any browns. When I was a kid it seemed like we caught mostly browns. Anyone know what happened to them?

Here are a few pics...

Looks like you had another great trip. I like the hat in the last picture. Now that will keep your ears warm.
Ya, I usually don't wear that hat because it is too hot. It cooks my head. I'm glad I brought it in this case because the ride in on the snowmobile was cold.

Thanks for the report! looks like a fun trip. One of my buddies went there last year and he caught mostly browns if I remember right, and I've heard there's some giants in there.
Great report and pics! Looks like a fun day on the ice!

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